Chapter 22

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*Ainsley's POV*

"Abby?!" I screech, "how- what?!"

She doesn't say anything and just runs over and embraces me.

"I saw all over twitter and the newspaper and I begged my mom to come and find you!" She says practically screaming in my ear.

"Thank goodness for moms," I smile.

Wow, I'm surprised she hasn't notic- "Oh my God! Harry Styles?!" She screams.

That's it, I'm officially deaf from this girl.

I pull away from Abby, rubbing my ear a bit, and Harry just awkwardly chuckles.

"Harry, this is my best friend Abby, Abby this is, well you already know."

"Nice to meet you Abby," Harry politely says while shaking her hand. Just as I expected, Abby ignores his hand and goes straight in for the hug.

When she pulls away, her smile is as bright as the sun. I hug her again, "agh I've missed you so much abs," I say over her shoulder.

"I've missed you too!" she says, smiling. "You know what? I'm going to let you guys go, text me later so we can talk, okay?" she tells me more than asks.

"Okay," I nod.

With that, she leaves out of the quaint restaurant and into her car. Her mom sees me through the window and waves, I wave back sending a smile. She just made my day, and nothing is going to bring it down.

The waitress arrives with our drinks after what seemed like forever.

"Are you ready to order?" she asks, only looking at Harry and smiling.

He chuckles, "yes, are you Ainsley?"

"Yep," I answer slightly annoyed by the flirty waitress. I don't even know why I'm annoyed, I mean sure I kind of sort of like Harry but he's not even mine. Plus, he probably won't ever be, I don't think he likes me that way.

I was lost in my thoughts while Harry was ordering, but the waitress' high pitched voice snapped me out of it. "And what would you like?" she asks, making no effort to sound polite or even happy to be asking me.

"Uh, chocolate chip pancakes," I tell her.

"Okay," she says to me, "I'll be right back with that," she smiles and winks at Harry.

If she sends him that stupid little smirk one more time I'm going to smack it off her face.

"Ainsley, you okay?" Harry asks.

"Yep, just peachy," I answer expressionless.

"Erm, okay.. well what do you want to do after this?"

"I don't care, it's up to you," I tell him. I hate choosing what to do when I'm with my friends, I have no idea why but I just don't like it.

"Let's go to the park, I haven't done something relaxing in a while. There might be a few paps but we will be fine, there's not too many fans who go to the park."

I just smile and nod, "I will even show you my favorite place," the curly haired boy says. "No one knows about it," he adds.

"Sounds like a plan." I say.

Our food comes out and so does the annoying waitress, she glares at me but I just smile back instead. Kill 'em with kindness, that's what my.. what my mother always told me to do.

I suddenly lose my appetite, but the food just came out and I don't want anyone to pity me today. I have to teach myself to be stronger, and if I keep letting my emotions get the best of me then I won't be strong.

I force the last bite of pancake into my stomach and slurp the last of my water.

I notice him staring, watching me intently. He has been doing that a lot lately.

"Why do you do that?" I ask my eyes focused on the empty plate but taking him by surprise.

"Do what?" he asks. I look up to see him eyeing me cautiously, but masked underneath is nervousness, I can see it about to burst through his bright green eyes.

"Stare at me, watch me. Why do you do that?" I challenge, his emotions are no longer masked as his eyes dart in different directions, then finally down to his empty plate.

"Erm, I-erm, I don't and if I do I don't mean to," Harry stutters.

"Yes you do mean to, why is that?" I ask, he looks powerless as I question him, I have him cornered and I want the truth. "Just tell me, Harry."

"Okay fine, erm I like you- I mean only just a bit, just a little bit, but you're just different and erm I don't know," the words tumble out of his mouth so fast, I have to take a moment to process them.

"Wait, you-you what?" I'm so confused, he likes me? The curly haired boy with the dazzling green eyes and the smile that could make you faint likes me? The one and only Harry Styles likes me? This can't be happening. I have no idea what to feel, I'm so happy but so scared, what if I mess up or say something wrong and he doesn't like me anymore?

*Harry's POV*

Did I seriously just say that? I was so caught off guard and her blue eyes were just staring into me like she knew something I didn't.

"Wait, you-you what?" she asks. I can see the thousands of thoughts racing through her mind right now. Damnit what have I done? I'm just going to confuse her even more.

"Never mind, let's just forget that this whole conversation even happened," I nearly beg.

She goes silent for a second, her thoughts have ceased except for one, I can see her focusing on it as she focuses on an unknown spot on the table between us.

After a few minutes, she speaks up, "I don't want to forget it Harry."

"Why not? It was a mistake of me," I quickly say.

For just a second, she almost looked hurt, but she quickly recovers with a half smile directed at me.

"Because, because I like you too," Ainsley's hesitant, not knowing what I will say next. So I don't say anything next, I just smile at her.

I raise my hand signaling for the waitress to come over, she smiles at me, her smile not nearly as beautiful as Ainsley's- "do you need anything?" she winks with her red hair falling in front of her face.

Normally I would be a dick and probably bring her home so she can suck me off, but Ainsley's here.

"Just the tip," I tell her. She nods and scurries away.


Again I apologize for the late update, I explained it all in the next chapter so please read that. Love you all xoxo

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