Chapter 17

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*Harry's POV*

An hour later, Ainsley is laying on my chest in my bed. Her cries have slowed and hushed and her gasps for air decreased. I've been rubbing her back for the past hour, in hopes to stop her from crying completely.

"Harry?" Zayn calls. Shit. Of course he would be here right now.

Ainsley moves her head to look up at me, her eyes pleading not to answer the door. She's scared for what the outcome will be.

"I can't talk right now, Zayn," I simply reply.

"Harry please, you're the only one who knows, I really need to talk to you about her." Ainsley confused look masks the pain that I've been hiding something from her, but I can still see the hurt in her eyes.

Great Harry, you've managed to fuck it up again.

"Zayn I'm really tired right now, can we talk tomorrow?" I ask, a tinge of annoyance laced through my voice.

"Yeah, fine I guess.." he slowly says.

Ainsley waits patiently for his footsteps to go in the opposite direction before asking what Zayn was talking about.

"He likes you Ains," I confess.

"Fuck." That's the only word that comes out of her mouth.

I smirk at her, hoping to make her laugh a bit, but she doesn't take notice to it.

Five minutes pass by when there's another knock at the door. Is today an annoy Harry day because I didn't get a fucking notice for it.

"Ainsley I know you're in there," Mairead says.

I just roll my eyes, and try to hold on a little tighter as Ainsley's small body wiggles from my grasp.

She walks over to the door and opens it, like this is her room.

Mairead smiles at her, then looks at me. "Dinner's ready."

Ainsley leaves the room then before Mairead joins her, she gives me a warning glare.

"What? I'm not going to hurt her," I honestly say.

"I know you won't, but if you do you're going to be sorry, and change your shirt, it's all wet," she laughs and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

I strip from my shirt, throw it into the hamper and rummage through my drawers to find a new one.

*Ainsley's POV*

Mairead led me down the hallway and into the bathroom.

"Here, let me get you all washed up and then we can go down and eat, okay?" She softly asks.

"Thank you," I tell her.

She seats me on the toilet and grabs a washcloth, wets it, and washes my face.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," she leaves for a moment and then comes back with Harry's sweatshirt and the leggings she bought me.

"Here, change into this, I know it's your favorite sweatshirt," she informs me, smiling.

I flash a shy smile back, "thanks," I say.

"I'll be downstairs, sit in between Niall and I at dinner tonight, okay?"

I nod, listening to instructions and planning on obeying them. Once Mairead leaves, I quickly change into the sweatshirt and leggings, pull my blonde hair into a top not, and join everyone at the table.

I do as Mairead told me to and sit in between her and Niall. I can feel Zayn and Harry's eyes on me, but I don't look up to meet either of their stares, I just stare at the spaghetti that was put on my plate.

"So," Josie says awkwardly breaking the silence. "When does your next tour start up again?"

We all know that she knows that it begins in four months, but I give her credit for easing the tension.

"Four months, I've told you this a thousand times babe!" Louis teases.

Four months. I'll probably be out of the house then, and they can go back to living their lives. I've already intruded for a week, and there's been enough drama that came with me, I'm almost positive they would want me gone next week... maybe even tomorrow.

I'm the last to finish eating and Josie is the only one to stay with me.

"Hey pretty girl," she says.

I laugh a bit, "hi Josie."

"That's Harry's sweatshirt, isn't it?" she asks, even though she knows the answer to that question.

I feel the warmness in my cheeks rise and my face is probably as red as a tomato. Nodding silently, I keep my eyes down and finish the last meatball left on my plate.

Before she speaks, she sends me a small smile, "how are you doing today? Do you want to talk about anything?" she asks curiously.

Talking is the last thing I need to do tonight. Whenever I say something, i screw up everything.

Josie and I jolt our head up at the loud crash that came from the room directly above us, Zayn's.

We scramble up the stairs as fast as we can to find two bloodied boys being restrained by Niall, Louis, and Liam. Everyone looks pissed off.

Louis turns to me, his eyes dark and full of anger. "You," he points a finger at me, "you're the reason why their fighting. You're the reason for all of this drama. You're the reason why no one is happy anymore."

With each word that pours out of his mouth, I try to hold back the tears. They sting. I can physically feel the weight crashing onto my heart as the words pour out of his mouth.

Josie pulls me behind her, shielding me from the angry Louis and the horrible scene in front of us.

"You stop that now!" Josie scolds. "This girl has gone through nothing but pain and torture for the past week. You could've said no to Ainsley not staying here, but you didn't. Don't put any blame onto her because it's not her fault! You don't have to all fight over her. For goodness sake she's fifteen, let her breathe once in a while! This was supposed to be good for her, we're supposed to take care of her and make her feel better, not make her feel like shit." By the time she's finished, Josie's out of breath and her face twisted into a glare.

Louis stands there, stunned by what just entered his ears.

Harry and Zayn both make a move to comfort me, I even see Liam shift a bit, but before they can reach me, Josie pulls me from the disaster and says, "C'mon, let's go have a girls night, I'll call Mairead."


Sorry for not updating in a whole week! Finals are coming up, so my updates will be less frequent. When I have the time, I will write.

P.S. it's 11 pm on a school night, so that's why this is short. xoxo

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