Chapter 24

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*Ainsley's POV*
The door opens slightly from my pounding on it, and within seconds I burst into his room, spotting him pulling on sweat pants to cover his bare ass. For a split second I stare at his tattoos but I soon remember what I came in here for. The skimpy whore who left his room.

"Who the hell was that?!" I scream.

He's taken aback by my outburst and quickly rushes over to me, grabbing my arm. I shake him off, does he think that holding me will make me forgive him?!

"Look I can explain," he stutters.

"Oh really?" I yell, infuriated, "how can you explain a girl half dressed walking out of your room with any other reason than sleeping with her?"

He reaches for me again, his green eyes a darker, hurt shade. One I hadn't seen before. I almost feel guilty for yelling at him. Almost.

He stood there speechless, and after a minute of me glaring at him and his green eyes staring back, I turn and leave. I can't believe I started to like him. He is everything the tabloids make him out to be. I'm so stupid.

I slam his door behind me on my way out and I see Liam exit his room, lending me a sorry expression as I pass by, barely making eye contact. Once I reach my room I climb into the bed and start to cry. There's so many mixed emotions. The tears that stain my cheeks are hot but cold as they drop onto the pillow. This feeling of wetness upon my face and pillows is beginning to become too familiar and that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I just can't believe he slept with someone else. He told me he liked me and the next day he slept with another girl. Foolish Ainsley, always wanting what you can't have and always thinking that something good will happen, but life just gets worse.

I don't think I can do this anymore. I hate the feeling of constantly being sad and everything going wrong. I hate it. I don't want to feel anymore. I just want to be numb to everything. I shakily get up from my bed when I hear a knock on my door, and without me even letting him know that he could come in, Harry's head pops in the doorway.

"Go away." I say, my voice hard.

"Listen, Ainsley.. I made a mistake," he begs for my forgiveness with his tone of voice.

"A pretty fucking huge mistake if you ask me. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I'm done." I say. The second the words come out of my mouth I regret them. I don't mean it. I want everything to do with him, but he hurt me. We're not an item but you don't do that to someone. I turn around to face him and the second I do relief flows through me. His green eyes are swollen and red and staring, waiting for me to take back my statement.

No Ainsley. You can't do this. If you forgive him instantly just because he looks sorry doesn't mean that it will stop him from doing this to you again. I look away from Harry, it's just too hard.

"Ainsley. Please," I feel his presence come closer and soon I feel a hand on my shoulder. I shake it off and lower my head into my hands.

"Stop hurting me Harry," I plead, "I can't take anymore sadness."

"Ainsley," he turns my body so I'm facing him and looks me in the eyes, "I never meant to hurt you. You know I never would've intentionally done this. Ainsley I like you and you mean so much to me. I'm so sorry I will never make a mistake with you again. Just please, please forgive me, Ains. I can't stand knowing that you're sadness is my doing."

"You may not have intentionally done this Harry, but the thing is you did it." I say, turning away again at the last second so I don't break my strength. I need to be strong and not give into his apology so quickly. I need to show him that I can not be taken advantage of.

"Please Ainsley, I know that you know I never purposely did this. I can see it in your eyes. I will do anything to make it up to you."

Those were the words I needed to hear. Turning back around I nod and he tackles me with a hug and apologizes about twenty more times.

Uh oh Ainsley.. what have you gotten yourself into?

So um I haven't updated in almost a year and I realized this has 4K READS?!?! WOW! I'm so sorry and I've been going through a lot this past year but I miss writing and I think I'm going to start updating more frequently. Keep in mind that it's the end of the year and I'm in AP World, so frequently can mean from 1-2 times a week, or 1-2 times a month. Thank you guys for still
voting for this and commenting! I'm just going to start writing and updating when I feel so it will be more frequent. Thanks for everyone who's stayed with me, lol!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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