Chapter 20

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*Harry's POV*

We're almost an hour away from Ainsley's house. I'm jittery and tired from the long drive.

"Can we stop for coffee?" Niall whines for the fifth time in the past half hour.

I keep ignoring him, we're not stopping no matter how tired we all are, we're not stopping.

We pull into the street written on the note card, "Look for the house number 657," I tell them, even though Louis, Josie, and Zayn are asleep.

We drive down the winding road, "There it is!" Liam announces, pointing to the little tan house with the black shutters.

I pull into the driveway, if this isn't the right house, I might just kill Rob.

I turn off the car and jump out, not bothering to close the door behind me. Running up to the door, I can't help but think that she may be hurt.

I strike the door loudly three times. Please tell me she's okay, if she's not, well, I don't know what the hell I would do. It's been three minutes and still no answer, I strike it again, "Ainsley, open the door!" I shout.

I hear some shuffling around in the petite house and the knob on the red door turns and it slowly opens, her beautiful blue eyes peaking out with a strand of her tangled blonde hair falling in front of her face.

When she spots me, she immediately opens the door and jumps into my arms. "I'm sorry," she cries, but her voice slowly turning to a whisper, "I'm so sorry."

Liam must've woken everyone else up because the next thing I know, she's taken out of reach and pulled into someone else's arms.

"We were worried sick," Liam tells her as we all sit down on the brown couch in the quaint blue living room.

She looks down in guilt, "I'm sorry, I just thought you would all be better off," she confesses.

Louis speaks up, "Ains this is my fault, what I said was purely out of anger and to be honest, I think all of us agree that you're the best thing that has ever came into our lives. Sure it may be a struggle but you connected us, and we haven't been doing that in a long time. You made us a family again, and you're part of it."

She slowly looks up, her blue eyes watering, "do you really mean that?" she asks, examining Louis' eyes for the truth.

"Yes," he simply replies.

She lets out a big sigh, "well would you guys want something to eat? I could all make you something," her voice perks up.

"Erm, sure," Niall answers.

"Would you like help, Ains?" Mairead questions politely.

"Sure," she says and leads the way to the kitchen for Mairead.

"I have to piss," I announce.

"Okay, cool, we didn't really need to know," Josie jokes.

I roll my eyes and get up from the couch, I don't want to bother Mairead and Ainsley so I'll just find it myself.

I walk down the narrow hall and push open the first door, in front of me stands an unmade bed, a picture frame laying across the pillow.

I'm instantly drawn to it. I apprehend quickly that this was her mother. In the picture it was a beautiful woman holding a small girl, they're laughing at the person behind the camera and sitting on a swing. They look so happy. Looked, they looked so happy.

"Why are you in here?" Ainsley asks, her voice matching her hurt expression as I turn around to see her standing there, watching me.

"I-I was erm, I was looking for the bathroom," I tell her.

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