Chapter 5

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Five hours had passed of me staring at the plain white wall and Lou trying to make small talk, but I wasn't audible, so I ended up brushing her off. After the long five hours, the boys finally came back with what seemed to be worried expressions on their faces. I couldn't really tell because my eyes didn't leave the spot on the wall.

I want to say something. I want to tell them that I have no where to go. That my mother is dead. No, no she's not. She can't be.

"Ainsley?" Louis started, "will you talk to us? Tell us what happened?"

"I've been trying to talk to her for the past five hours," Lou explains. "She hasn't eaten or drank anything since you guys left. I don't know the last time she has eaten and I'm worried." She says.

"Ainsley, we really need you to talk to us. We need to know you're okay." Says Liam.

I stare and stare and stare. With every second passing by, the silence gets louder. I have to think of myself in this situation. I have to admit this to myself or I'll never get better. They will send me back with no where to go.

I break my eyes away from the wall and look at each and every one of them. They all stare intently back at me, waiting to take in the freighting words I have yet to say. "My mother is-she's dead." The voice that comes out of me doesn't sound like it was before. It sounds sad and almost in a whisper.

"Ains-", Harry begins.

"Don't. Please don't." I whisper.

Niall is the first to make a move to come and hug me, to comfort me after hearing the news.

I guess it's good that I admitted it now, or I'd never be able to get over it. I'm still in shock. I still can't believe that she's gone. The woman that loved me unconditionally and who has been there throughout everything is gone.

Paul seemed to have been listening to the conversation in the background because he seems to speak up and say, "Ainsley, do you have anywhere to go? Anyone to stay with?"

I shake my head in response, a tear trickling out of my puffy eye and down my cheek.

"You're staying with us." Niall states.

It seemed to be a shock to not only him and I, but to the rest of the boys when the words tumbled out of his mouth.

He quickly recovers and adds to his statement, "I mean, you don't have anywhere to go. It's not easy to go through a loss and not have people to help you through it. Plus, you would probably have to go into foster care and I wouldn't want that for you. We wouldn't want that for you."

"I would be forced to live with my dad." My words are short, of course he has to be brought up in my happiest and hardest moments in life.

"So you do have a place to go?" Zayn asks, obviously confused.

"No, I don't. I haven't seen my father in four years. He's never been a father to me. He's always been popping in and out of my life. My father doesn't even try to stay. He forgot about me on my birthday the past two years. I don't even know where he lives. Because of him, my mother and I aren't close with my family. He severed some tight bonds I used to have with them." I confess. These words feel foreign rolling off of my tongue. I've always avoided talking about him and why he's not there. I haven't even said the words, "my father" since he left.

The boys looked stunned. I look down at my fumbling fingers, avoiding any eye contact to be further made.

"Alright Ainsley, you're going to be staying with the boys until everything's figured out, no matter how long that takes. Okay?" Paul says.

I nod in response.

"Let's go home." Harry says sympathetically.

We walk through the dormant halls and arrive at a back entrance, leading to the cars waiting to take us to the boys house-home. Josie and Mairead are waiting in the car by the time I get in, I choose to sit in between them and they lean into me, comforting me.

The car ride was a good forty-five minutes from the One Direction house, and we all sat in silence. All the weight from today was starting to settle onto me making me feel tired and depressed. My eyes started to drift and within seven minutes of leaving the place that was supposed to be apart of the best day of my life, sleep started to take over me.

• • • • • •


So now you guys know a bit of Ainsley's past. What do you guys think so far? Xoxo

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