Chapter 19

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*Harry's POV*

"Damnit Louis!" I yell at him as Ainsley and Josie leave the room.

"I was only trying to help," Louis claims, but one Josie ripped a new one on him he knew what he said was wrong and purely out of anger.

My head was pounding from the beating I took from Zayn. I glanced over at him, he looks pretty fucked up.

I can't believe I did this to my best mate. I'm such a screw up.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Zayn says quietly.

"No, I'm sorry," I say. After all, I did throw the first punch.

I quickly walk out of the room that was suffocating me with awkwardness and head to my room. I walk into the bathroom connected and turn on the shower.

20 minutes later, I'm clean and dressed in some sweats. I take a look in the mirror and I can already see a black eye starting to form. Fuck, the paps are going to get a load of this. I wonder where Josie, Mairead, and Ainsley went.

Ainsley. Shit I didn't think how this would effect her. Is she going to be okay? I hope the girls are taking good care of her. Of course they are. God damn Harry stop worrying.

I loudly sigh to myself and hop into bed, I will just check up on her in the morning, it's nearly 11 pm and today has been very, very long.

• • • • • •

"Harry! Zayn! Niall! Louis! Mairead! Josie! Guys wake the fuck up!" Liam yells throughout the halls frantically.

I quickly sprint out of my bed to meet him. "What the hell is wrong?!" I demand a little too loudly for 8 am.

"It's Ainsley," he hesitantly says.

"What about her," I interrogate.

"Just wait until the others get out," he says.

"No. What the fuck is going on?!" I yell.

Liam says nothing and it's pissing me off.

After thirty more seconds, finally everyone is out in the hallway.

"She's gone," he says.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" Mairead exclaims.

"She left, h-here's the note," he says handing the small yellow piece of paper to her and his hand shaking.

Mairead begins reading, "Dear boys, Josie, and Mairead, I'm truly sorry that I've caused all of this stress in your lives. This never should've happened to you guys, and that's why I'm leaving," Mairead stops there, choking up. "I-I can't finish this," she says tears brimming her cheeks.

"I'll take it," Niall sweetly says while rubbing her back.

He picks up where Mairead left off, "You will all be happier, you will all be less stressed, and you will all get along better. I can't thank you enough for your hospitality and generosity for letting me into your home. You have all left a huge and amazing impact on my life, and I cannot thank you enough for that. I apologize for screwing up your lives and I vow to never do that again. You will all be better off without me. We may soon meet again, but I hope under better circumstances. Lots of love, Ainsley." Tears have trickled down his cheeks as he finished the note.

We all sat there in awe, not knowing what to do. She can't be gone, she's only fifteen! She can't support herself fully yet, she can't be gone.

"We're going to find her," I say, "she can't be alone anymore." They all nod at my words.

After a few minutes of standing there and feeling sorry for ourselves, we came to the realization that we were wasting precious minutes so we all sprinted back to our rooms.

I blasted the door open, put on some jeans, a t-shirt, and boots then ran downstairs and waited for everyone to join.

Five minutes have passed, "come on guys it doesn't take all damn day!" I urge.

Within a few more minutes, they're all downstairs.

"We need to even know where we're headed first," Liam points out.

I moan as Niall leads the way to the living room.

"Okay," Josie begins, "Where do you think she could've gone?"

We all sit in silence, pondering of all the places that Ainsley could be, she could be anywhere as of now.

She wouldn't go back to her dad, never in a million years so I know that. She would go somewhere farmiliar. Home.

"Home! She went to her house! I just know it," I yell, jumping up from my spot on the couch.

We all jog out of the house and into the car and start driving to Robs house. We finally get there after 15 minutes.

I pound on the door, "Rob!"

A light flickers on and the door slowly opens. "Yes?" he asks, spotting me.

"Where does Ainsley live?" I demand

"I have the paper in the kitchen, what's the matter?"

"I just need to pick up a few things from there," I lie. I don't want him knowing that she left, I don't want him in her life.

He comes back and hands me the address, "Thanks," I say shortly.

I join the others in the car and we're back on the road in just a few minutes.

This is going to be a long ride.

*Ainsley's POV*

The train comes to a sudden halt and wakes me up. I must've fallen asleep watching the scenery blur by.

"We have reached the destination," the voice over the loud speaker says again.

I grab my bag and step off the train into the thick Nashville air. Oh how I've missed home.

The train station is just a few blocks from my house, I know this because we take the train to my grandma's all the time.

I begin walking in the dark streets, only lit by the dim street lights every few feet.

While walking past the neighborhoods and the corner stores, memories of my childhood flow back to me.

Right on the corner of Mardsen Avenue was where I was bike riding with my best friend, Abby. I fell off my bike one afternoon and scratched me knee. I still have the scar because I kept picking at the crusted red scab.

I finally reach my street, this is going to be hard but I can do it, I have to. I walk up my driveway to the small tan house before me.

Lifting the pot up next to the door, I grab the spare key and unlock the door.

I walk into the empty house, it's just as how we've left it, my flip flops sloppily on top of one another in the corner, the blanket on the sofa still spread out from me watching cartoons that morning, my empty bowl of cereal sitting in the sink.

How am I going to survive this when I'm constantly reminded of her? With her favorite coffee mug sitting on the counter, and the scent of her perfume in the air.

"I miss you," I whisper.


Sorry it took so long for me to update, my weeks have been busy with finals and soccer, we have a tournament this weekend so I won't be updating very frequently, but wish me good luck! Xoxo

p.s. sorry this is short I'll make the next one longer

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