Chapter 9

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Dark as midnight
Six pack Coors Light
You don't look the same

Past my bedtime
Blue and red lights
Come take you away

Hate to see you like a monster
So I run and hide
Hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind

I won't be, no I won't be like you
Fighting back, I'm fighting back the truth
Eyes like yours can't look away
But you can't stop DNA
No, you can't stop DNA

Twice a year, you come in crashing
Nice to see you too
Johnny Cash and backseat laughing
Always ends too soon

Hate to say hello 'cause I know that it means goodbye
Hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind

I won't be, no I won't be like you
Fighting back, I'm fighting back the truth
Eyes like yours can't look away
But you can't stop DNA
No, you can't stop DNA

Are the pieces of you
In the pieces of me?
I'm just so scared
You're who I'll be
When I erupt
Just like you do
They look at me
Like I look at you

I won't be, no I won't be like you
Fighting back, I'm fighting back the truth
Eyes like yours can't look away
But you can't stop DNA
No, you can't stop DNA

We had just heard the simple intro played on the piano keys. That is until the Hale Pack rushed into my house. "Where is he?" The Alpha asked. I was going to get up at attack but Henrik simply put his hand on my chest and turned to them. He shushed them. And fortunately, they started hearing the singing, and they sat. We all sat there, listening to Silas sing. We weren't on two different teams, we were simply people being touched by an artists words. I remember when Silas used to call me and sing this. He also sang the song he had just recently sang at the club. Today was a very important day. When the piano playing came to a feast the 'pack' immediately stood up. " I suggest you sit back down, and wait. I won't kill you, for the sake of Silas, and I know he doesn't want to see you. " I got up in front of them and I guess my story has been told because they stepped back. " I'll tell them," came a soft voice from the door behind us. We all turned around to see a slightly disheveled Stiles.

" A lot more than a thousand years ago today I was giving up for adoption. I'm a Bennet witch. My whole family was messed up. That's when I met Klaus. We were 16 and Henrik had just been born. 2 years later, we would babysit him together and talk about my problems. I hated my family and they hated me. I hated my magic and would always try my hardest not to use it. I would be punished when I refused. I always knew I was going to have my magic. It's in my blood, literally. My DNA shows up differently than yours. That when Klaus and I came up with a plan. My older brothers and sisters posed as my parents and got me out of New Orleans. We used a permanent spell to change me back to a child. They left me at the steps of Sheriff Stilinski and that was it. I was supposed to be free of life.  That was until I turned 10 and my memories started coming back. I hacked into the systems and found Klaus. He told me all about life at 28. He also told me about 12 year old Henrik's passing. I was so upset that my magic went out of control. That's when I vowed to never use it again. But first I wanted to catch up with Klaus so I stopped his aging. At least until I was old enough. Now he's 28 and I'm 18. Well, give or take a couple centuries. I called him everyday and sang him songs from my childhood. I always sang after punishment. It made me feel safe. And I felt even better when I was able to see Klaus in person. And that's when I resurrected Henrik. My magic was under control. I mean I had a lot of time ignoring my 'father' that I was able to catch back up. That's why I was so devastated when Derek bit Alex. I didn't want him to be a hybrid like his brother. So, I bestowed some magic inside him. If I wasn't there he would have died. The magic would fight off the effects of the bite but his body would succumb to his wound. Everything was just overwhelming. My secrets unfolding in front of me. I'm surprised I haven't broken down more to be honest. I vowed to myself I would keep singing. I dishonored my family, I told my father that no matter what we both knew I wasn't his and it slowly killed him. I pushed Klaus away. I didn't want to know him after we got Alex back. So, I took him with me. I told him that if he really ever loved us he would let us leave that life. He would let us go. And he did. We've been living here longer than you've been alive. We've built these towns and walked these roads a thousand fold. I've lived a horrible life and I can't fix it but the least you can do is let me forget."

And with that he was gone.

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