First Encounter

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The sound of heavy footsteps rung across the murky dungeon as a tall man made his way to a certain cell. He had dark brown hair that was styled neatly and a perfectly sculpted face with firm lips. His body was powerfully built and so bright it burned golden.

Making his way past a few cells filling with tiny groans and whimpers, he finally stopped right in front of his destination. His charcoal eyes fixed upon the bored figure sitting straight on his chair.

The man lifted his platinum-blonde head and made solid eye contact with the other, eyes practically gleaming with danger.

"I see you've been captured, Kim Namjoon," the brunette pointed out, eyes never leaving the other's.

Namjoon grinned, lifting his shackled hands jokingly. "Glad you can see." (Magic-suppressing shackles: special tools used to stop a mage from using his/her magic)

The brunette rolled his eyes and glared at him. "You're lucky we didn't kill you on sight. It was pretty stupid of you to come out into the open and believe we wouldn't recognize who you were."

Namjoon shrugged and spoke to him as if they were close friends. 

"I tend to do a lot of stupid things, General Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook snapped his fingers and instantly, one of the torches erupted to life, flames large enough to light up the darkness.

"I honestly don't care about you, whether you're captured or not. But since you are, I want to ask you something." He stated as he stepped forward a little.

"Are you acquainted with Park Jimin?"

Namjoon blinked at him with a "surprised" expression. "Park Jimin? You mean the most wanted criminal mage in history? No! Of course not. Although I'd be honored to." He mumbled the last part.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Urghh goddamn it! Don't make me angry or you'll regret it, I swear." Jungkook snapped with irritation.

Namjoon smiled wide, knowing he succeeded due to the way the younger's face was turning red and his breathes were shortening into huffs.

"Just tell me the fucking truth. Are you acquainted with Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked, trying to hold back his frustration.

Namjoon shook his head and mouthed the word 'no'.

Jungkook growled, "I hope your execution goes well, Kim." And with that, he spun around and jaunted out of the dungeon, his scarlet red cape flapping behind him once.

The blonde chuckled and leaned back comfortably.

"There won't be an execution anytime soon, Jeon. Not mine at least."


Jungkook entered his room in the Imperial Dorms after greeting a few of his friends. He immediately noticed the files containing all the information of the current, wanted criminals sitting on his desk. He walked over and grabbed them, plopping down on his chair with a huff.

His fingers flipped through the papers, and he felt his eyes getting tired until they reached a certain person. He scanned through the information, gripping the single page so tight it wrinkled.

While other files had at least three pages worth of info, this one only had one.

Park Jimin.

The most wanted criminal in the Imperial Kingdom, his power so strong he can freeze an entire village with no effort. He's had countless criminal activities, such as the murdering of innocent people, the destruction of homes, etc.

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