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Jimin felt his heart aching painfully, weighing his entire being down like an anchor. He couldn't lift his eyes away from the boy below him; those large, doe eyes peered up at him with desperation and sorrow.

"I need you to believe me. Whoever you saw on that day wasn't me. I cared too much about you to do anything related to the sort"

The more he spoke the more Jimin's head began to hurt. He wanted to leave so badly, he wanted to go back to the safety of his room and sleep forever. 

Because without his consent, his heart was starting to beat again for the same boy who hurt him in the past - who's hurting him even now. His words that were so sincere, so caring, made him want to forgive him. 

The strong, perpetual walls built around him were beginning to shake.

"You'll never understand how strongly I feel for you, Jimin."

Stop. Stop talking. 

"Please..." Jungkook's eyes featured pain and longing. "I miss you."

Jimin almost reached out - almost. He was so close.

Before the smaller could open his mouth, a wave of exhaustion suddenly doused him as his vision paved in and a loud ringing vibrated in his head. Along with the high-pitched sound were the voices of people murmuring and screaming. Jimin shakily grabbed onto the tree for support as he closed his eyes and touched his forehead.

From below, Jungkook noticed the sudden movements and frowned deeply with concern. "Jimin? Hey, what's wrong?" 

Jimin's body began to feel like lead from the weight of all the exhaustion. He couldn't understand what as happening just as much as Jungkook couldn't. 

"Jimin?" The younger stepped closer to the tree, noticing the other's body trembling very slightly - as if he was trying to compose himself. 

Something was wrong.

Suddenly, a long spear shot out of the trees like a bullet and plunged into the tree bark right beside Jimin's trembling form. The attack startled both of them as Jungkook whipped his body around.

One by one, each member of the Invincibles filed in with looks of determination and satisfaction on their faces. Jungkook widened his eyes in shock as he watched Hoseok and Jin stop right in front of him.

"Good job, general! We knew you could find him on your own," Chanyeol grins, sword held tightly in his hands.

Jungkook instantly looked at Jimin, who glared back with a look of betrayal portrayed in his eyes. But the older seemed so tired that he couldn't fully express how hurt he felt, so he merely shut his eyes - as if he were thinking "I knew it."

Jungkook's heart sunk.

Jimin, who couldn't prevent the waves of tiredness from approaching, forced his eyes back open and glared down at all of them with hatred. He slowly stood up and nearly fell from the dizziness and the pounding of his head.

"Let's get him!" Yugyeom yelled before everyone tore forward to get to the unstable boy holding tightly onto the tree for support.

No. No, this isn't what I wanted. Jungkook felt a rush of dread sink within him as he tried to stop them.

"Stop!" He shouted but could only watch as Jimin leaped off the tree and tumbled onto the ground, dodging all the magical attacks thrown at him. His tiny form was heaving by now and Jungkook only now noticed how exhausted and pale he looked.

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