Don't Leave Me

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Jimin spent the next two weeks training with Jungkook and spending more time with the other. Almost every night, Ara would come to him and ask him to read her bedtime stories. The two have actually gotten closer during the short time, and now the mage was beginning to adore her just as much as Jungkook did.

Jin was observant in this and he always smiled when he saw the three together. He could tell Jungkook was slowly helping Jimin become more and more warm both physically and emotionally. It was almost as if Jimin was a completely different person due to his constant smiles and bursts of laughter.

On his way to call the two boys for lunch, he heard soft moans coming from the training room. He frowned as he got closer to the door.

"Ah~ Mmm..."

"Does it feel good?"

" good...."

Jin blushed and angrily barged through the door, ready to scold them. But instead of the sight he expected, he saw Jungkook massaging Jimin's shoulders, both boys peering up at him with question.

"Yes, hyung?" Both inquired simultaneously.

"Oh uh lunch is ready." Jin stumbles over his words as he laughs and walks back out. Thank god. They're too young for this stuff, he thinks with relief.

Jungkook glanced at Jimin and smirked. " I guess you were too loud, Jiminie."

Scowling in disgust, Jimin slapped his arm harshly and clicked his tongue when the younger fell to the floor in dramatic howls of pain.

"You're such an idiot."


After lunch, Jimin and Jungkook were dragged outside by Ara, who was excitedly running towards the garden while gripping their hands.

"Ara, where are you taking us in this cold weather?" Jungkook asked as his teeth chattered from the crisp air that kissed his golden skin. At times like this, he wished he was Jimin, who felt not a hint of cold since - you know - he's an ice mage.

Ara soon halted to a stop in the front of the fountain and yelled at them to wait before she ran off somewhere once more.

"Aren't you cold, Chim?" Jungkook inquires with wonder as the smaller took a seat beside him on the stone, fountain edge.  

"No, I don't get cold, remember?" He laughed and inhaled the cool air like it was fresh water.

The younger then scooted closer so they were literally stuck together and slipped his hand in Jimin's, intertwining their fingers together. He was surprised to find Jimin's hand very warm like his.

Jimin shifted so his free hand was resting on his leg. There was a tiny lump underneath his palm where the ring with his initials was hidden.

A sudden thought occurred to him as he glanced towards Jungkook's serene face.

"Hey, Kookie... I was wondering," he began tentatively, "You know the gift you were planning to give me on my birthday that time?"

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, do you still have it?"

A split second passed before the fire mage sighed wistfully and turned his head slightly away. "No... after that incident, I lost it. I looked everywhere for it but it was nowhere to be found."

Jimin tensed and slowly fished out the silver ring in his pocket. "Is it this?"

Jungkook gasped in shock and stood up straight on his feet. "Where did you get that?!"

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