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(also sorry if it's bad, this is my first time writing smut and i was very nervous LOL i literally needed to listen to house of cards on loop while writing the entire thing) 

plz read the notes at the bottom after!


"Well? Did you find her?" Jimin and Jungkook both questioned Jin, who temporarily visited the past in front of the fireplace. The orange light from the calm flames lit up their worried faces as they sat close together, and when the eldest opened his eyes, they couldn't interpret his feelings.

Jin shook his head after a moment of hesitation and provided a sad, small smile. 

"Sorry, I couldn't find her. She's...out of boundaries."

Jimin sighed and Jungkook let his head drop sulkily. 

"I'm sorry, but all I know is that she's alive somewhere. Hopefully, she'll come back one day." Jin says, trying to cheer up his devastated friends.

"But why would she run away? And out of boundaries? It just just doesn't make sense," Jimin responds in distress, "I think we should look for her."

"No," Jin shook his head briefly, "Just trust me. Ara won't be coming back for a long time..."

"Why? Is there something you're hiding, hyung?" Jungkook inquired.

Jin just sighed heavily. "No, Jungkook. Please just trust me, and leave it be."

The two knew this wasn't going anywhere, so they chose to believe their hyung and slowly let go. They had strong hope that Ara would reappear one day.

After the newly wed couple reluctantly left the room, Jin released a long breath and stared at the fireplace with shimmering eyes. He knew he shouldn't have lied to them, but he didn't want to ruin their happy life like this - especially since they just got married. 

Jin smiled as light tears cascaded down his cheeks, thoughts of the sweet, selfless girl fading in his mind.

It's best they never know.


Once Jimin and Jungkook entered their new house, which seemed normal on the outside but quite engaging in the inside, the sound of someone yelling and the floor creaking flooded the air. 

"Kim Taehyung! Get your ass back here right now, you little piece of shit!" Yoongi hollered in annoyance as he chased around the boy who held the advisor's pillow in his arms. 

Jimin and Jungkook moved out of the way just as the plum-haired man raced past him and ran to Hoseok in the living room. A mint-green blur buzzed right after him and tried to grab the other, who was circling around Hoseok.

"Seriously guys?" Jungkook groaned in annoyance while Jimin rolled his eyes. 

The ice mage moved forward and finally grabbed Taehyung by the back of shirt, making him jerk back dramatically. He proceeded to drag the whining boy who was clutching desperately on the pillow until he was thrown out the door. Yoongi and Hoseok raced after him like dogs just as the door slammed shut. Jimin lifted his hand and a stream of ice followed up the frame so that it was nearly impossible to break into.

Jungkook sighed but released a small chuckle right after. "Things are finally settling in right."

Jimin nodded in agreement and walked over to the living room to put all the disoriented pillows back in place on the couches. He smiled sadly after remembering the mysterious disappearance of Ara and couldn't help but still feel a bit worried.

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