Cold Hands, Cold Heart

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"I had a family to go back to!"

"My little girl was waiting for me!"

"You're a heartless murderer who deserves to die!"

Jimin shook his head back forth as he backed away from the approaching shadows. The darkness around him swayed and pushed against him, so he felt as if he was floating in space. 

The voices were screaming at him again.

"You think you changed now that you sealed your heart in ice?" That same, malicious voice rose above all others. "You think you're not weak and vulnerable anymore now that you've gotten rid of all your emotions?"

"Shut up," Jimin whispered. He placed both hands over his ears to stop the sounds, but they never failed to reach him. Every cell in his body jolted from the breaching wails and screams. 

He wanted to escape.

"You'll always be weak, Park Jimin. You can never change that."

"I said shut up!" Jimin yelled, and suddenly, the world shattered and he fell into an endless abyss of obscurity.

Jimin's eyes shot open and his body sat upright so fast the IV attached to his arm rattled to the side. He panted heavily while examining his surroundings with remnants of the nightmare still fading from his mind. 

He was in a broad room with white walls, a sink in the corner, and a couple of hospital beds separated by light blue curtains on his left. The bright sunlight shone through the windows and down onto his silver hair, making it feel hot on his head. In front of him was a glass mirror, and when he noticed his appearance, he winced.

His eyes drooped with heavy, dark bags and his lips were cracking from the dryness. There were a couple tubes attached to his left arm, which sleeve was pulled up to his elbow. 

What the hell? Why am I in hospital clothes? He eyed the loose, white attire distastefully and looked around the room for his black clothes.

But then, the door opened and in came - with his golden aura and sharp, handsome features- Jeon fucking Jungkook.

Fuck this bitch. Jimin restrained himself from scowling and kept his face expressionless as he watched the boy close the door behind him and make his way towards the bed. 

"...How are you feeling?" Jungkook questioned as he grew closer.

Jimin raised a hand to make the other stop in his tracks. He narrowed his eyes at the still mage. 

"You are not allowed to come within my five foot radius."

Jungkook rolled his eyes but didn't dare take another step. "You're so stubborn, Park Jimin. Honestly, how did Taehyung and Namjoon put up with you?"

Jimin crossed his arms while glaring heatedly at the younger. "Why are you here? Isn't it clear that I hate your fucking guts?" He seethed venomously.

"Crystal." Jungkook deadpans. 

Jimin rolled his eyes and unceremoniously shoved the covers off his body as he got off the bed, ripping the tubes out of his arms. He hastily pulled down his sleeve and fixed his unkempt hair.

Jungkook frowned deeply as the shorter rushed past him and made for the door. He didn't hesitate to grab his wrist and pull him back. Except, he pulled a little too much, so the boy ended up colliding with his broad chest. 

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