Stolen Fire

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*Important! Make sure to read the author's note at the bottom!*


Jungkook slashed through the firm dummies relentlessly; anger was fueling his strength with each second that passed.

The reason being Park Jimin once again.

He couldn't stop thinking about him, he couldn't stop remembering how weak he looked underneath him. He couldn't stop imagining those plump, rosy lips that practically called for attention.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he hurled his sword at the farthest target and watched it pierce straight through.

Breathing heavily and shakily, he walked to the nearest wall of the empty training room and leaned against it. His head banged against it twice before he decided to sit down.

Why exactly do I hate you so much, Jimin? I just can't remember anymore.

Jungkook felt a torrent of emotions roar inside him like a raging storm. The more he thought about it, the more he felt confused. That look in Jimin's eyes every time they faced each other. It was bitter and cold, full of pure hatred and disgust. It was a look that made even the deepest core of Jungkook waver with pain.

All he ever wanted was to build an innocent relationship with the other, one full of love and warmth...but the trust between them has somehow shattered.

What did I do? What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?

He knew, however, that he was going to find out tonight. No matter what.


Jimin sat in his small bed, blankly staring at the bleak, gray wall in front of him. Everything was lifeless and muted - like an empty canvas. The air was cold and brisk, but it didn't affect him at all.

What happened to you? A voice echoed in his mind, leaving a hollow feeling in his chest.

Slowly, Jimin's vacant eyes traveled away from the wall and to his pale hands. He pulled his sleeves up and delicately touched the burn marks on his wrists that still remain there after years.

A long time ago, there was a warm, glowing flame that never failed to reach his heart and keep him alive. From it, love sprouted and was fed from the boy he trusted most. It's what made him happy and brought a smile to his face every day. It was always there, flickering and thriving with fervor.

But one died out. And all that's left was a cold, withdrawn feeling that swathed his heart in ice.

Where did that fire go? He wondered. And - will it ever ignite again?

His thoughts wandered back to when Jungkook was above him, suddenly looking at his lips with desire. He tried to kiss him.

But why? We're enemies, we're supposed to hate each other.

Jimin was so deep within his thoughts that he didn't notice a certain boy with plum-colored hair entering the room with a lollipop stuck in his mouth. The taller stopped in front of him and raised a brow when the other didn't seem to notice.

"Ahem." He coughed, smiling when Jimin's head snapped up.

"Oh, hey Taetae." His voice was quiet and empty, not as sharp as it used to be.

Taehyung flopped down beside him, making the bed sink and bounce a little; his arm automatically curled around the smaller's shoulders.

"What's with that face? This is unlike you, ice prince." He said, taking the lollipop out of his mouth.

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