i. falling for you

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MAY 3RD 2016

"his eyes are my favourite""you said that yesterday when you were talking about his freckles"

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"his eyes are my favourite"
"you said that yesterday when you were talking about his freckles"

PETER PARKER SAT BESIDE HIS BEST FRIEND. although he wasn't, even in the slightest, paying attention to what ned was saying. his eyes were on manny brieno. a guy that peter had developed feelings for in the eighth grade.

although, when liz moved to midtown high, most thoughts of manny had disappeared when peter's heart changed it's course and threw itself at liz allen. that didn't work out well in the end. peter ended up being the reason that liz's dad was sent to prison and, inevitably, was the reason that liz had to move.

that was last year though. they were juniors now. one more year between him and graduation. peter had begun the year planning to stay focused on school and nothing else but, of course, his heart threw itself in the path of manny brieno once more.

"peter" ned spoke, waving his hand in front of the boy's face. "sorry" peter said, shaking his head slightly as he turned to face ned. "what were you saying?" ned looked at the boy in shock, "you weren't listening to me? peter this is important."

"of course he wasn't listening to you ned. manny is standing just over there" michelle spoke from a few seats down at their table. ned groaned and peter turned his head, eyes catching sight of manny brieno once more.

the hispanic boy at the other end of the cafeteria let out a laugh, tossing his head back as he did so. peter watched at the way his lips curved into a smile and listened to way his laugh echoed harmoniously around the cafeteria. manny's eyes lit up in the bright light of the room and peter let out an involuntary sigh. "what now?" ned asked, turning grumpily to look at his best friend.

"his eyes are my favourite" peter mumbled, still watching the hispanic boy. "you said that yesterday when you were talking about his freckles" michelle commented, eyes not leaving the book she was reading.

"i can't believe that you moved on from liz so quickly. you were head over heels in love with the girl" ned said, cocking his head at his friend. peter looked at him. "we both know that wasn't going to work out" he said in a harsh whisper. "with me being the reason that her dad was going to jail and all."

ned grinned at peter, "speaking of i think-" "not in school ned. I thought we talked about this" peter hissed. talking about him being spider-man at school was always a risk, especially since everyone at midtown knew that spider-man was the reason that the kids on the mathletes competition had survived a near death experience. so ned and peter agreed to not mention it at school in the case that someone could over-hear. it was bad enough that aunt may was so close to figuring it out.

"sorry bud. i'll come by this afternoon and we can talk." the bell rung as ned scooped up his bag, leaving the table and headin across the cafeteria to the exit. peter sighed and shoved the papers that were sprawled across the lunch table, into his bag.

"you coming mj?" peter asked, looking at his friend. the girl's head was still buried in the book in her hands but she gave peter a thumbs up before grabbing her bag off the table. the pair stood as the crowds of students pushed past them and moved towards the two double doors at the other end of the large room.

peter looked over, in hopes that he might spot a certain mop of blonde hair that made him want to run over and run his fingers through the strands. but, of course with his luck, manny couldn't be found. peter shrugged his bag onto his shoulders and walked in step beside michelle. "if you read and walk at the same time you're gonna run into something" peter said, nudging his friend with his elbow.

"i know this school like the back of my hand. i think i'll be okay" michelle scoffed. once the two had made it out of the cafeteria without being trampled by the herds of people, they parted ways.

a small wave was all peter got as a goodbye and he chuckled at michelle's commitment to her book. peter weaved through the crowds of people, his mind on anything but the lessons that he had to face next.

a familiar laugh was heard behind him and peter had to stop himself from spinning around and ogling at manny. instead, he kept his head forward and thanked every god imaginable for the blessing that was manny brieno.


author's note!
this is a v short chapter. but then again, a lot of these chapters will be short, sorry. i hope you guys liked this chapter xox

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now