xii. bruises

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"you said you would never leave me"

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"you said you would never leave me"

manny sighed and dropped his head on the desk. it was around 1 in the morning and he'd been up working on the homework that he'd been slammed with already. he tapped his pen on the wooden surface, turning his head as the clock changed to 1:02am.

with a groan, he hoisted himself out of the swivel chair and made his way towards his door. he peered through the crack and spotted the lights on in his dad's study down the hall. he sighed again and closed the door to his room, he turned around just as his broken boyfriend fell through the window. "peter!" manny whisper shouted, diving forward to catch the younger boy before he fell face first into the carpet.

peter kept moaning in pain as manny lifted him onto his bed, piling pillows behind his boyfriends head as he tried to get a better look at his wounds. "what the fuck happened?" manny asked harshly as he examined the cut under peter's eye.

it was deep but blood was still pouring out of it. "i tracked the lizard guy. into the... sewers" peter said, his voice filled with pain as he spoke. his chest was heaving and manny could see the claw marks ripping across his chest. "you're gonna need stitches. i have to get my dad-"

"manny no. please don't. i can't let aunt may know that i ended up like this." manny's heart clenched. he couldn't help peter and he knew that if he took him to the hospital or asked his dad for help then it would expose peter as spider-man.

"peter..." manny couldn't help him. There was no way that he could take care of this on his own. peter looked at his boyfriend and sat up. pain shot through pete's body but it didn't hurt as much as the look that manny was giving him at the moment.

"i can't do this pete" manny said quietly, his eyes looking directly into his boyfriend's. "manny it's okay if you can't fix me up. i can go to mr. stark or some-" "i'm not talking about not being able to fix you up peter. i'm talking about not being able to do this. be us, be in a relationship where i'm constantly worried about where you are and what you're doing and if you're okay-" "manny. please." manny could hear the hurt that took over peter's tone but he couldn't stop talking.

"i can't peter. i can't do this when you keep showing up injured and i have no fucking clue how to fix you. i can't keep fixing you when you go out every night and push yourself to breaking point. i can't be with you peter."

tears were overflowing from peter's eyes as he stood up and limped over to the window, heaving his pained body onto the fire escape. manny watched the boy, his body feeling numb as peter stared at him. "you said you would never leave me" peter said and turned away from manny.

and before the hispanic boy could blink, the boy he'd fallen in love with disappeared out of sight and manny was suddenly hit with every feeling imaginable. he suck to the floor and curled his fingers into the carpet as he sobbed.


author's note!
*whips all the way to hell bc i'm a piece of shit*

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now