iv. "peter why are you covered in blood?"

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MAY 10TH 2016

"you better have an amazing explanation cause this is gonna stain my carpet"

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"you better have an amazing explanation cause this is gonna stain my carpet"

manny's afternoon's were always boring. they usually consisted of him either working at the laundromat at the lobby of his apartment complex or sitting in his room for hours on end, trying to perfect the answers for his homework. however, tonight was different.

it was around midnight and manny was beginning to stack his papers so that he could head to bed, when he heard a knock. his head shot up, looking at the door in hopes that it wasn't his father coming in to yell at him for being up so late.

he moved slowly towards the door, opening it slightly to peer outside. there was no one in the hallway. and no footsteps to tell him that someone was walking away. the knock came again, from behind him this time. manny turned, his body freezing where he stood when he saw who was outside the window.

peter was crouched outside his window, hand pressed against the glass. his hair was matted and his face covered in blood. manny lunged forward at the sight of the boy. he nearly tripped on his carpet as he made his way to the window as quickly as possible.

he undid the latch, yanking the window up. peter fell forward into manny, his head resting against the boy's chest. manny only just came to notice that peter was wearing the spider-man suit, the chest torn open like claws had ripped it open.

there was blood soaking the suit. pouring out of the wounds on peter's chest. manny pulled him inside, leading the boy towards the small lounge that sat in the corner of his bedroom.

peter grunted in pain when manny put him down, adjusting him so that he could take a better look at peter's wounds. "peter? can you hear me?" manny said, barely a whisper as he stroked back peter's hair. peter groaned, his body pulsing slightly.

"peter, why are you covered in blood?" the boy only groaned once more as manny stood, moving to his cupboard to take out the medical kit he kept there. his dad, being a doctor and all, always made sure he had one in case of any emergency.

"you better have an amazing explanation cause this is going to stain my carpet" manny mumbled, pulling the small box off the top shelf before making his way back to the injured boy on his lounge. manny opened the box and removed the necessary contents. he grabbed the small scissors and looked at peter, who's eyes were screwed shut in pain.

manny felt like a knife had stabbed through his heart. he'd always felt a sort of affection for peter. manny moved the scissors to the fabric of the suit and, as gently as he could, cut away the spandex. he carefully pulled it away from the scratches on the boys chest.

"this gonna hurt a little pete. just bare with me okay?" he took a cloth from the box and wiped carefully at the marks on peter's chest. peter cried out and manny had to restrain himself from slapping his hand over the boy's mouth.

"you're gonna have to keep it down. my dad's asleep and he can't know that i have a bloodied up boy in my bedroom" manny hissed, continuing to clean the boy's wounds. peter bit his bottom lip and manny watched as his muscles clenched.

manny finished cleaning the blood away. his eyes cast up to see peter, teeth digging into his bottom lip as sweat trickled down his forehead. "you okay?" manny asked. peter nodded slightly, letting out a deep breath.

manny looked down at peter's, now clean, chest. his eyes cast onto something that he hadn't noticed before. there were scars, only faint ones, spread underneath peter's pecs. like his skin was being stretched out. they were the kind of scars that manny had seen before. the one's in pictures that his dad had of top surgery operations.

manny couldn't help but run his fingers over them as peter did his best to catch his breath. "you're okay now pete" manny said, not taking his eyes of peter's chest. "just get some rest."


author's note!
AHHHHHHHHH IT HAPPENED!! i'm sorry that this chapter is short as fuck but i hope you guys liked it. next one is cute as shit too (i think anyway) xox

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now