xv. happy valley

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"i like lying with you

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"i like lying with you. just being near you makes me happy" "well aren't you a fucking softy"

peter's head was resting against manny's chest. it was around 10pm and the pair were lying in manny's bed, legs entangled and fingers entwined. peter could hear manny's heart beating and he smiled softly to himself.

"hey pete" manny whispered, his eyes slipping shut as the exhaustion from their previous activities began to settle in. "yeah?" peter whispered back, his voice soft as he traced shapes onto manny's bare stomach.

"i like lying with you. being with you makes me happy." pete chuckled at his boyfriends words and moved his head so that his chin was resting on manny's chest. he could see that manny's eyes were closed and he smiled to himself.

"well aren't you a fucking softy" peter said and he felt the rumble of manny's laugh vibrate through his body. "says the bottom" the older boy said without opening his eyes, although a smile was tugging at the ends of his lips.

peter blushed and hit manny lightly in the gut as a chuckle rumbled through the hispanic boy. the pair were silent for a moment. just so comfortable in each other's presence that words weren't really necessary.

peter could feel manny's breath growing heavy and he knew that the hispanic boy would soon be asleep. pete closed his eyes, his hand still sprawled on manny's stomach and his head softly rising and falling with every breath his boyfriend took.

peter could feel his body growing heavy with sleep and the fact that manny was now absentmindedly running his fingers through pete's hair wasn't helping the parker boy fight off his sleepiness.

"hey pete" manny said, barely above a whisper. and if peter wasn't as close to the boy as he was now, he doubted that he would have heard any word that just came out of manny's mouth. peter hummed in response and there was silence for a solid 2 minutes before manny spoke again.

his voice still barely above a whisper but the words rang loud in peter's ears, "i love you." peter couldn't help the warmth that filled his body and his chest as he turned his head to press a kiss on manny's ribs.

he was sure that the hispanic boy was asleep now but he said the words back anyway. "i love you too manny brieno." and a content and soundless sleep consumed both boys, their bodies pressed so tightly together that it seemed one would slip away from the other in an instant.


peteparkerr: i wish i could write about how much i fucking love you but i'm not good with words

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peteparkerr: i wish i could write about how much i fucking love you but i'm not good with words. thank you for being you 🧡
michellej, deathstar_ned and 107 others | 20 comments
[tagged ; mannybrieno]
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mannybrieno: i love you 🧡


author's note!
yeet okay so that's "the end" sorry it's so short and it actually fucking sucks but there are three more special things coming after this. ily guys xo

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now