v. spider-MAN

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MAY 11TH 2016

"i'm not going anywhere"

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"i'm not going anywhere"

peter didn't know where he was when he woke up. the room was different to his own. different posters, different books and bedsheets. he was on a couch in someone else's room wearing... his suit? mr. stark was definitely going to take it away from him for good now.

the boy groaned and did his best to push himself into a sitting position. it didn't work very well and he just ended up weakly propping himself up onto his elbows. pain shot through his chest and he looked down to see that the front of his million dollar suit had been cut open.

there were faint scratch marks across his chest and dried blood in certain areas, mostly crusting on the chest area of his suit. mr stark was going to kill him.

peter heard the doorknob turn and he yanked the blanket at his feet, up to cover his chest. he didn't want whoever it was to see his scars. the ones that the giant lizard he was fighting the night before, hadn't given him.

he watched as the door creaked open and his body stiffened as the last person he expected to see walked into the bedroom. manny held a tray, a glass of orange juice and what looked like buttered toast with a couple of panadol sitting beside it.

manny looked up as he closed the door with his foot. "oh good, you're awake" he said calmly and made his way over to peter, setting the tray down on his bed. "this is your room?" peter croaked out, his voice scratchy and his throat dry.

manny sat down on the edge of his bed, leaning forward on his knees. he let out a small -laugh at peter's words before nodding. "yeah. it is." the hispanic boy turned and picked up the orange juice and panadol, reaching them out to peter. the boy took them hesitantly, sitting up straight. which, inevitably, caused the blanket to fall down to his hips.

peter downed the pain killers as manny inspected the gashes across the boys chest. his eyes ended up wandering to the scars under his pecs and he bit his tongue to stop himself from asking about them. that was pete's decision.

manny took the empty glass from peter's hands and passed the plate of toast to him. "thanks" peter mumbled dryly before biting into the warm toast.

the two boys sat in silence for a while before manny decided to speak up. "so spider-man?" he asked and peter looked up at him through thick lashes, still chewing on the buttered toast. he swallowed and went to say something but nothing came out.

peter closed his mouth and then opened it again, hoping that words would form and he would say something instead of looking like an idiot in front of the guy he liked. "is it spider-man cause of..." manny trailed off, hoping that peter would finish the sentence.

pete cast his eyes down to look at the carpeted floor. "yeah. because of... well because..." "you don't need to explain pete" manny cut him off, "i understand where you're coming from." manny gave the shy boy a wide grin when he looked up and peter thought his chest was going to explode right there.

"y-you aren't gonna stop talking to me are you?" peter stuttered. the insecurity came about when peter came out at 13. his "girlfriend" at the time broke up with him and then proceeded to out him to the whole school. peter moved to midtown tech after that.

"why? cause you wanted to be comfortable in your skin? what kind of person would do that?" manny asked, crossing his legs underneath him as his eyebrows furrowed. "you'd be surprised" peter muttered, eyes casting down once more. manny frowned at the thought of the whole thing. he'd always been picked on for being gay.

there was no doubt about it, but he never understood how people could hate on others for just wanting to be their true selves. "hey pete." "yeah?" peter looked up at the older boy, a glint in his eyes. manny hoped he wasn't about to cry. he didn't like it when people cried, it ended up making him cry.

"i'm not going anywhere." peter smiled, "really?" manny let out a chuckle as he watched peter's grin widen. manny couldn't help but smile too. "never in a million years."


author's note!
I LOVE MY TWO BOYS SO MUCH OMG I AM GRHJEEFWKJ THEY'RE SO ADORABLE. anyway this is the last chapter in part one so get ready for a lil time jump and part two!! i hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. mad love - h xox

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