x. young hearts

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5TH JULY 2017

peteparkerr: took the boy on a date and i have never seen someone so beautiful before i'm shookqueenfletcher, flashthompson and 197 others liked this | 19 comments[tagged ; mannybrie]

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peteparkerr: took the boy on a date and i have never seen someone so beautiful before i'm shook
queenfletcher, flashthompson and 197 others liked this | 19 comments
[tagged ; mannybrie]

queenfletcher: have you ever seen a couple so cute?

queenfletcher: the answer is no

mannybrie: maybe you should take a look in the mirror every once in a while bub

michellej: i stan one (1) couple


"you're such a dork, why am i with you?"

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"you're such a dork, why am i with you?"

peter and manny sat on the park bench, hands intwined. with his spare hand, peter was flicking through the photos that he had taken of manny that day. a lot of them were candids, ones where peter thought the older boy was just effortlessly looking cute.

manny was scrolling through the texts that his friends had sent to their groupchat. a smile perked at his lips when they began talking about how cute they thought peter's recent post was.

manny felt his boyfriend's head rest against his shoulder and he turned his phone off before turning to press a kiss on peter's forehead. "what do you want to do know?" peter muttered, adjusting his head so that he was now looking up at manny. the cool breeze was blowing the older boys curls into his face and manny did his best to move the strands of hair our of his eyes.

"i don't know. my dad's working a late shift, do you wanna come back to mine and watch a movie?" peter nodded his head and placed his camera around his neck once more before standing.

he pulled his boyfriend to his feet and they made their way down the street towards manny's house. the sun was still fairly high in the sky but as the boys walked it got lower, casting an orange and pink glow across the sky.

"i love sunsets" peter said, swinging his and manny's hands between them. "why's that?" manny asked, looking up at the sky. he loved sunsets too, the way that if it was cloudy enough the sun would illuminate them, turning them different colours at it painted across the blue canvas of the sky.

"i don't think there's a specific reason for me" peter said, his eyes on manny as his boyfriend looked at the sky. the sunset was making the hispanic boys skin glow a golden colour and peter knew at that moment, that he had never seen something so beautiful in his 17 years of living.

"i just think it's fascinating the way the sun does that to the sky" manny mumbled, his eyes moving to look ahead of him. peter smiled at his boyfriend as they turned into manny's street.

they walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, swinging their hands between them as they listened to the sounds of cars speeding down the highway and sirens from cop cars or fire trucks or ambulances, echoed through the city. the two boys climbed the steps to manny's apartment complex and peter pushed the door open.

he let go of his boyfriend's hand for a second and stepped aside, making a swooping gesture with his arm. "after you kind sir" he said and manny let out a chuckle, walking through the doors and stopping on the other side.

"you're such a dork, why am i with you?" he said and entwined his fingers with manny's once more. "you're with me because i'm a dork" peter stated as they made their way to the elevator on the other side of the lobby.

manny's face contorted into a thoughtful expression before he nodded, "yeah that sounds legit." peter laughed and pressed the up button beside the elevator door as manny began discussing what movie they should watch when they got upstairs.

"have you seen 'spirited away'?" manny asked as the doors chimed open and the two boys stepped into the elevator. manny pressed his floor number as peter shook his head.

"are you serious? how have you not seen the most iconic movie made in the year 2001?" manny said, his eyes widening. "i don't really watch a lot of movies. i never had the time." peter said, a smile creeping to his lips at the look on manny's face.

"we're watching it. and if you don't like it then i'm breaking up with you." peter couldn't really tell if manny was joking because his tone was so serious. when the elevator stopped and the doors opened again, manny almost dislocated peter's arm pulling him out of the elevator and down the hall.


author's note!
yikes the third and final five chapter part is up next. are you guys ready???

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