ix. tony stank

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2ND JULY 2016

"oh yeah, i forgot you had that internship with tony stank"

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"oh yeah, i forgot you had that internship with tony stank"

peter and manny were on the couch in peter's small apartment. peter's head was resting on manny's lap, the hispanic boy running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. peter's eyes were fixed on the older boy as manny watched the movie playing on the television.

peter smiled softly. never in his wildest dreams had he thought he'd be in this moment in real time. but here he was, his head in his boyfriend's lap as they sat in a comfortable silence, more than happy just being in the same room as each other. may stood in the kitchen, watching as her nephew looked at his boyfriend with the biggest heart eyes possible.

a knock echoed through the house and may spun on her heels, heading towards the entrance of the apartment. she swiftly pulled the door open and opened her mouth to speak to the person in front of her.

however, she closed it as soon as she saw who was standing there. the older woman glared at tony stark as he grinned at her. "yes?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest, blocking the way into the house with her small frame.

ever since she found out about peter being spider-man (literally last week when he walked out of his room in his suit) her hatred for the man had grown.

"can i come in?" tony asked, looking over may's head, spotting peter on the couch. "who is it may?" peter called, his head turning to try and see what was going on at the door. "no-" "only your favourite person ever" tony spoke, cutting off may before pushing himself into the apartment. "mr. stark?" peter asked, sitting up immediately.

manny's eyes left the tv screen and turned to look at the older man that was walking towards the two boys. the hispanic boy chuckled at the face aunt may was making behind tony as peter's hand slipped into his.

"hey peter" tony said his eyes flicking between the two boys as a confused expression spread across his face. manny frowned at the older man's expression as peter's grip on his hand tightened.

"oh yeah. i forgot you had that internship with tony stank" manny said a smirked spreading across his face as he watched tony's expression change from confused to startled in a matter of seconds.

manny could hear may trying to cover up her laughter with a cough as she walked away from the living room where the three men resided. "so" tony said, seating himself on the coffee table and blocking manny's view of the television.

"this your boyfriend?" tony's head cocked to the side as he gestured to manny who was doing his best to look around the older man to see the television. manny turned to face the older man, his gaze cold as he stared. "yes. his boyfriend" the hispanic boy said and peter rubbed circles on manny's hand with his thumb.

"when did that happen?" tony asked, his eyes leaving manny's and turning to look at peter. "couple weeks ago-" "no not the relationship. when did you come out as gay? and i thought you liked that liz girl?" peter's face went red at the sudden, and quite intrusive, questions.

"i'm not gay. and yes i did like liz, i'm bisexual" peter calmly stated, his eyes darting sideways to look at manny who was glaring at tony. "oh. alright" tony said and clasped his hands in his lap. there was silence for a few moments before manny spoke up. "why are you here?"

peter's face went red at the tone that manny spoke with, but he understood where the hatred came from as manny's mum had died in the great battle of new york the avengers had a few years back. "i came to talk to peter about training and coming to live at head-"

"not happening" may said coldly from the kitchen and manny glanced over to see that she hadn't even looked up from the magazine she was reading. "okay. well can i take these boys out to dinner?" tony asked, a grin stretching across his face as may sighed.

"fine. but bring them back before midnight thanks." peter's hand left manny's as he collected his jacket off the back of the couch and stood to follow tony out the door.


author's note!
PART TWO IS ALMOST AT A CLOSE YOIKES!!! i hope you guys are enjoying this story though xo

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now