iii. chemistry notes

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MAY 6TH 2016

fire bird 🔥  sent a message to geeks n freaks!

fire bird 🔥
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manfred 🐘
how many times do i
have to tell you that manny isn't short for
anything. it's just manny
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fire bird 🔥
yeah but ice age
fire bird 🔥
anywhore that is not
the reason i summoned you here today
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madame compass ❄️
i was nApPiNg
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queen fletch 👸🏼
lmao this
better be good
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fire bird 🔥
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manfred 🐘
manfred 🐘
and what does is matter
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queen fletch 👸🏼
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madame compass ❄️
oooh. whose
was it????
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manfred 🐘
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fire bird 🔥
oh lol. i thought you
got ned's number
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manfred 🐘
no. i got peter's
number off ned because there was
spanish homework and ned said peter
knew it so he gave me his number
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queen fletch 👸🏼
peter as
in peter parker?
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madame compass ❄️
he's so adorable
omg manny what a score
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manfred 🐘
it was just about
spanish homework jeez
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fire bird 🔥
manny. peter has
the world's biggest crush on you
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manfred 🐘
lmao no he doesn't
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madame compass ❄️
oh sweetie.
yes he does, literally
everyone knows it
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cute boy from spanish class sent you a message!

manfred 🐘
well he just texted
me so cya!
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fire bird 🔥
i'm offended that
you're leaving us to talk to a boy
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manfred 🐘
phoenix you are a boy
manfred 🐘
and anyway all you guys
are gonna do is make fun of me so
i'm leaving
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cute boy from spanish class
hey manny
cute boy from spanish class
can i ask a favour?
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um always what the fuck you could
tell me to jump off a cliff and i'd do it

manny b
of course pete. what's up?
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cute boy from spanish class
i lost my chemistry notes along
with my bag. could i photocopy
yours tomorrow in study?
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manny b
yeah totally. i'll meet you
out the front of the library?
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cute boy from spanish class
yeah okay. see you then
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[read 3:45pm]


mannbrie: suddenly i'm straight idkpeteparkerr, phoenixg and 264 others liked this | 17 comments[tagged ; queenfletcher]

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mannbrie: suddenly i'm straight idk
peteparkerr, phoenixg and 264 others liked this | 17 comments
[tagged ; queenfletcher]

phoenixg: you'll be straight when macaroni is straight

penelopecompass: @phoenixg oath

mannybrie: piss off @phoenixg @penelopecompass

queenfletcher: thanks for the ice-cream babes

mannybrie: welcome love x @queenfletcher

finnzedd: are you guys dating?

mannybrie: oh no sweetie i'm gay @finnzedd

peteparkerr: thank gOd
[comment unable to send!]


author's note!
ahhhhhhhh!! cute things to come x

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now