vi. guys in the chair

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15TH JUNE 2016

"so you and peter huh?" "what about it?" "you guys-" "ned if you don't shut up i'll web you"

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"so you and peter huh?" "what about it?" "you guys-" "ned if you don't shut up i'll web you"

manny and ned sat in peter's bedroom. ned had his laptop perched on his knees and manny was bouncing a ball against the wall at the other end of peter's room. "is this literally all you do all night?" manny asked, catching the ball and turning to look up at ned, who was seated on peter's bed.

"basically" ned said, his fingers typing away at the keyboard on his laptop. "pete can i go home?" manny asked as he stood up, plopping himself beside ned on peter's bed. "no. i wanna see you when i get back."

manny could basically hear the pout in peter's voice as he spoke. "then come over when you're done? i'm bored, there's nothing for me to do here." ned let out a chuckle at the boys pitiful argument as his eyes scanned the screen.

"peter turn left next swing" ned mumbled, his fingers tapping faster on the keyboard. manny ran his hand down his face as he began to toss the ball against the wall once more. the room was silent for a few moments, only peter's grunts echoing out of the computer as he moved towards his target.

ned's fingers stopped typing and his head turned to look at manny. "so" he said, eyes glancing back to the computer screen for a split second before looking back at manny. "you and peter huh?" manny didn't catch the ball when it bounced back to him as his head snapped to look at ned.

"what about it?" he asked, eyes looking dead straight into ned's as he spoke. peter and manny had only been hanging out for a couple of weeks.

manny knew that the younger boy liked him. peter wasn't very good at keeping his feelings hidden and manny noticed the way that peter looked at him whenever they were together. manny didn't really know how he felt for peter, in all honesty.

finding out peter was trans made things a little more complicated than he hoped they would be. and manny didn't want them to be complicated but he couldn't help the thoughts that ran through his head whenever he thought of the young boy.

"are you guys a-" ned was cut off by the crackly voice of peter coming from the computer, "ned, if you don't shut up i'll web you to the wall for the rest of the night." manny let out a chuckle at the boys words before he leant closer to ned, whispering in his ear. "i think he's cute, if that's what you're asking."

ned's face spread into a grin as peter spoke. "i haven't found anything. i'm coming home, we'll try again tomorrow." manny grinned at this and ned signed off on the computer just as a knock came at the door.

"manny, ned, peter?" may called through the door. manny and ned looked at each other, faces pale with dread as they stood in a rush. "shitshitshit" manny mumbled and scrambled around the room.

the two boys heard a creak and they both whipped around to see peter crawling through the window. "pete" manny whispered as the boy dropped to the floor. "may's outside."

peter's suit fell off his body and he grabbed the nearest sweatshirt, pulling it over his head before tossing his suit and mask into his closet. peter rushed to the door and opened it. may stood with her elbow resting against the doorframe. "you guys want chinese?"

peter grinned at his aunt before turning to his friends. they both nodded, bodies stiff like kids that had just had their hands caught in the cookie jar. "put some pants on pete and we'll head off."

manny chuckled as peter grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor, tugging them on hastily. "we'll be down in a second" peter called out. he turned to look at the two boys in front of him, a cheeky grin spread across his face.

"that was close" ned said, his shoulders relaxing. manny let out a low laugh before moving forward and grasping peter's hand. "come on. i'm starving" he said and he dragged the boy out of his room as ned followed closely behind, a smirk present on his lips.


author's note!
this was a v shitty chapter i'm sorry. but the next one will be cute as shit i promise x

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now