xiii. hero business

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penny queen of the north ⛄️ sent a message to 'THIS IS AN INTERVENTION'!

penny queen of the north ⛄️
um hello it's been two weeks and
you guys need to sort your shit out,
i have never seen two people more
upset in my entire life. and i'm sick and
tired of the pitiful looks that you give
each other from across the cafeteria.
make up. make out. fuck. i don't care
just please get it together i'm done
playing games.
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penny queen of the north ⛄️left this chat!

baby 💛
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my heart 💖
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baby 💛
how have you been?
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my heart 💖
alright. you?
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i'm terrible

baby 💛
i'm alright
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my heart 💖
look. pete. i don't know what's
been going on with you, but these
past two weeks have been the worst
two weeks of my life. i miss you being
with me. i miss cuddling you. i miss
kissing you. and even if we aren't
technically together i still worry about
you and what you do at night. i still worry
if you're okay. you're hero business is
who you are and it makes me like
you even more. you are the bravest
person i know and it's the reason
i wanted to be with you.
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my heart 💖
i'm sorry i left you when i promised
i wouldn't. that's the worst thing that a
person could do. i'm sorry
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baby 💛
i'm sorry i made you worry.
that's the last thing that i wanted
to do. you're forgiven 💖
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baby 💛
and i still like you. a lot
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my heart 💖
i still like you too. very much
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baby 💛
please don't leave me again
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my heart 💖
never in a million years
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author's note!
snjdfjhdfukjewr i love my boys so much omg

𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚐𝚎 ( 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜!𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now