xi. fresh start

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"i missed you"

manny was hoping that summer wouldn't end. he wanted to spend the rest of his life at the pool or curled up in peter's bed as his boyfriend fought crime. he was now about to face his senior year of high school and he didn't really know if he was ready.

he pulled into the school carpark and parked in the spot closest to the gates. he turned his car off and leaned over to the passenger seat, snatching his backpack off the seat before opening his door and stepping out of his vehicle.

before he could even shut his door he heard a squeal and suddenly a huge weight was pressed against his back. "fletch, please get off me" manny groaned as his friend wrapped her arms over his chest, letting out a laugh before she dropped to the ground once more.

"how'd you know it was me?" fletcher asked as manny closed his door and turned to face his friend. "because you're the only one that screams when you see people" manny said and linked his arm with hers. they made their way towards the school.

manny could see phoenix and penelope just ahead of him. "how was your summer anyways?" fletcher asked, waving at someone that called her name. "it was-" he stopped, trying to think of the right word to describe the happenings that went on in the past three months.

"eventful" he finished, looking at his friend with a smile. "well duh! you got a boyfriend!" fletcher squealed, patting manny's arm. "oh yeah. that to" he spoke in a joking tone.

the two joined their friends on the steps, penelope wrapping fletch in a hug while phoenix wrapped his arm over manny's shoulder. "hey man. how was mexico?" manny asked, pushing the doors to the school open and walking into the crowd of bustling teenagers.

"insane. i never knew someone could have so much family. i have fifth cousins. how is it even possible to have fifth cousins?" manny found himself tuning out of phoenix's rambling when he spotted a particular brown haired boy at the end of the hallway.

manny hadn't seen peter in almost two weeks, his dad had taken him to san francisco for the last couple of weeks of summer break. his dad had said something about them not spending enough time together because of work and manny being out with peter alot. it was a good two weeks but manny missed his boyfriend.

manny watched as peter's head turned, their eyes locking. peter grinned at manny and patted ned on the shoulder before weaving his way through the crowd of people. manny moved forward, leaving his friend, who was still talking, to meet his boyfriend halfway.

they soon were standing only one foot away from each other, manny's hand reaching for peter's. "hey" he said softly, lacing their fingers together as they turned to face phoenix and the girls. fletcher waved happily at peter and he gave her a soft smile, waving back with his free hand.

"how was your two weeks in san fran?" peter asked as they moved together through the teenagers that were squealing when they saw their friends or doing their best to shove through people to get to their lockers. "sunny" manny said simply, causing peter to let out a chuckle.

"i missed you" manny said, swinging his and peter's hands between them as they walked to the hispanic boys locker. "i missed you too" peter said, leaning his head on the older boys shoulder.

"penis parker!" manny heard a familiar voice call behind them and the two boys turned to see flash thompson heading their way. "is he ever gonna let that nickname go?" peter groaned and manny let out a small laugh, "i doubt it."

the brown boy stood infront of them. "what is it flash?" peter asked, gripping manny's hand a little tighter. "i just wanted to say congrats to you two. i was hoping that you'd finally man up and do something about your crush" flash said. a look of confusion spread across peter's face as he cocked his head to the side, "thanks?"

flash grinned at the two boys before patting peter's shoulder. "i'll see you guys around." and then he moved around manny and peter and disappeared down the hall.


phoenixg: senior year selfiemannybrie, penelopecompass and 312 others likes this | 21 comments[tagged ; mannybrie]

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phoenixg: senior year selfie
mannybrie, penelopecompass and 312 others likes this | 21 comments
[tagged ; mannybrie]

queenfletcher: i can't believe your immature ass is graduating this year

mannybrie: @queenfletcher there's still a chance he won't pass his final exams lmao

phoenixg: @queenfletcher you're obsessed with my ass

phoenixg: @mannybrie stop being a dick

peteparkerr: um stop being so cute the fuck ????? @mannybrie

michellej: @peteparkerr don't think aunt may would appreciate that type of language

mannybrie: @peteparkerr says you x

mannybrie: @michellej you are now my new best friend

penelopecompass: hey! @mannybrie

queenfletcher: @mannybrie hey!

phoenixg: @mannybrie Hey!

peteparkerr: @michellej i hate you


author's note!
this is coming to an end so quickly i'm sad :((

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