two (skil)

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sleep ~ angst / fluff

"--and this is your room!" skylar said, opening the door with a flourish. skye and mil gasped, looking around the room with wide eyes.

"we know it isn't much," jax shrugged, "but when we pooled all of our money together, plus the other expenses of the trip, this was all we could afford."

"it's perfect." skye smiled, flopping onto the bed.

"ditto." mil tossed her backpack aside and laid down next to skye.

"we'll let you two get settled, then." jax nodded.

"actually," skylar cut in, "mil? can i talk to you in the hall for a bit?"

"sure." mil shrugged as she got up off of the bed. skye grabbed her girlfriends hand kissed her knuckles.

"hurry back." she said with a impish grin, letting go of her hand.

mil shut the door behind her and stepped out into the middle of the hall. "what's up, skylar?"

"i've...i've got to tell you something about skye."

"what is it? is something wrong? is she okay? did something--"

"mil, mil, mil." skylar shushed her. "everything is fine. i just thought you should know something about her."

"well, what is it? she's my girlfriend, for god's sake."

"have you heard of night terrors?"


"'s like a nightmare, but a bit more intense. it almost feels like real life."


"anyways, skye didn't want to tell you, because she didn't want to worry you, and she really wanted to make this week special, because it is your first time together, but..." skylar paused.

"spit it out. c'mon then."

"skye gets really bad night terrors sometimes."


"this doesn't necessarily meant that she's going to have one this week, i just wanted to let you know. if you need jax or i, my room is across the hall, and jax is next door."

"okay. t-thank you for telling me." mil patted skylar's shoulder and walked off, re-entering her bedroom.

"hey, love." skye sat up quickly and walked towards her, placing her hands on mil's shoulders. "is everything alright?"

"what? oh, yeah. yeah! everything is fine." mil smiled warmly. "don't worry about it." she pressed a kiss into skye's cheek and hugged her tightly.

~skip to nighttime~

"i've wanted to do this for a long time." mil said softly, fluffing the pillow.

"me too." skye slid a sweatshirt on over her tank top and climbed into bed, scooting over so mil could climb in too. mil placed her head on the pillow and skye cuddled up against her so that the arch that mil's back made fit up against her stomach. she wrapped her arms around mil's waist and hugged her. skye kissed the nape of mil's neck before closing her eyes, but not before whispering a quiet 'i love you'.

~time skip again~

mil's eyes fluttered open at around one am, because something kept moving around in the bed. she turned and saw skye there, remembering that she was sleeping next to her. it had all felt like a dream, so she often forgot about the girl next to her. she studied skye's features, noticing that her lips were slightly parted in order to allow her to breathe, and her hair was messily strewn about the pillow.

she then noticed that skye's expression changed from a peaceful one to one of fear or concern. her brow furrowed and she began to roll around, mumbling quietly. she began to whimper quietly, and move a lot faster, before she finally woke up screaming. she sat up quickly in bed and looked around, fear in her eyes. mil immediately grabbed ahold of her girlfriend and held her close, stroking her hair and shushing her.

"it's okay, love. sh, sh, sh. it's okay. i'm here, okay? nothing is going to hurt you i'm here."

skye's sobs eventually slowed, and she buried her face in mil's shoulder, kissing the skin every once in a while.

"i'm sorry." skye whispered. "i'm so so so so sorry."

"don't be sorry, love." mil pressed a kiss into skye's lips. "let's try and get some sleep, okay? i'll be right here."


ew what no skye your writing is horrible why are you doing this smh

also matching theme with my girlfriend yeet

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