three (skil)

46 7 86

coffee shop ~ fluff

mil strolled into her favourite tea shop, smiling at the familiar scent of the scones, raspberry jam, and earl grey tea. she walked up to the counter and was greeted with an unfamiliar face.

a girl with hazel eyes tucked behind black glasses and brown hair messily tucked up into a bun was behind the counter, sketching in a small black book. she looked up and saw mil. she pushed the book aside and smiled warmly.

"what can i get for you?" she asked, pulling out a small order form.

"passionfruit tea, a croissant, and your number." the girl stopped writing and looked up, clearly shocked by mil's request. she then smirked and replied.

"that'll be fifty cents extra."

"i'm willing to pay." mil winked. the girl checked her watch and turned back to mil, a sparkle in her eye.

"looks like i can't get you that phone number right now, but it'll be available in ten minutes. would you be willing to wait?"

"of course." mil winked. she pulled her wallet out of her purse, but the girl stopped her. she pulled her own card out of her pocket and swiped it.

"pretty girls don't pay. you should know that." the girl smirked as she readjusted her bun.

"then why did you pay?

~the next day~

"ah!" the girl exclaimed the minute mil walked in. "my favourite customer. what can i get you? same thing as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before tha--?"

"i get it. i come here a lot." mil laughed.

"okay, okay. but still the same order?"

"you know it." mil leaned up against the counter as the girl put the tea in the hot water and went to warm up the croissant.

"i just realized that i never caught your name."

"mil. mil suarez."

"enchanté, mademoiselle." skye giggled and kissed the back of mil's hand.

"what about you?"

"me?" the girl said, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "i'm nobody."

"surely someone that pretty must be somebody."

"fine." she laughed and rolled her eyes. "i'm skylar roberts, but everyone just calls me skye."

"nice to meet you, skye."

"i feel like this is the start of a great friendship."

"friendship? okay, sure. you just keep telling yourself that." mil took the tea and croissant from skye's hands and winked before walking out.

~a few weeks later~

"you know what i think?" mil asked out of the blue, staring deep into skye's eyes.

"what is it?" skye placed her chin on top of one of her fists and leaned forward on the counter.

"i feel like you're not as innocent as you come across, roberts."

"oh really, suarez?"


"i feel like you're forcing back the urge to press me up against that wall and kiss me until your lips are raw."

"are you writing a play or something?" skye brushed a stray piece of hair into her face in an attempt to hide the fact that she was blushing profusely.

"c'mon, skye. let's get real. how long are you going to keep up this act? you're clearly not like what you seem. you're changing for me."

"really? prove it."

"well, for one thing, your style is different. you used to wear bulky sweaters and yoga pants, but now you wear tight jeans and crop tops. i mean, did you really think that i would--"

"oh, for the love of god." skye scoffed. she leaned forward over the counter and tangled her hands in mil's hair as she kissed her passionately, causing the unsuspecting girl to let out a squeak of surprise before she deepened the kiss even more. they pulled apart after two minutes or so, both blushing.


"that was..."


"want to do it again?"

"of course."

this was so cheesy lmao bye

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