five (skil)

50 5 48

reunion ~ fluff

jax walked into the kitchen to see skylar sitting at the breakfast bar on her computer.

"whatcha doin'?" he asked, opening the fridge.

"just reading this email."

"email? what email?"

"remember skye and mil?"

"oh my god! is this from-"

"it is!"

"holy crap! w-what do they want?"

"they just wanted to catch up over dinner tonight if we're free, which we are."

"but i had that meeting i had to go to tonight for work."

"as i said, you are free. and if your boss asks you, you were sick."

"fine." jax sighed. "wait. isn't today their birthday?"

"oh my god, it is! i haven't seen them in so long." skylar chuckled.

"oh my god. i'm so excited!"

~le time skip~

jax and skylar pulled up into the driveway of a small house next to a pear tree, with a small garden filled with flowers and other plants lining the front of the house.

"i think this is it."

"you ready?"

"i think so." skylar and jax got out of the car and walked up the steps to the front door and began to knock.

mil opened the door and her face immediately lit up.

"oh my god! i can't believe it's actually you two!" she pulled them into a tight hug.

"and i can't believe it's actually you! look great."

"thank you." mil smiled, adjusting her top. as she did this, skylar noticed a small glimmer on mil's ring finger.

"wait...are you--?"

"yes. two years." mil held up her left hand and waived it around, colour rushing to her cheeks.

"wow. um...congratulations!"

"hey, babe?" skye's voice said from the other room. "is that--?"

"it is!"

"get over here, skye!" jax laughed. skye walked towards the doorway, bounding a baby against her hip as she walked, making it coo and gurgle in delight.

"o-oh my god!" skylar gasped. "who is this precious little thing?"

"this is naomi." mil smiled, taking the baby and holding her close to her chest. naomi smiled began to giggle, holding out her hands and grabbing at the air. eventually, she took ahold of jax's finger and squeezed tight, babbling happily to herself.

"so, how are things with you and aalie?"

"it's going great." skylar said dreamily. "things are getting pretty serious."

"she's probably going to move in sometime. meaning i'll have to move out." jax sighed.

"i'm never going to make you move you move out you, you goof." skylar patted jax's hand.

"that's good to hear!" jax laughed.

"oh, naomi." skye sighed. "you just had a bath." everyone turned to look at skye who was attempting to feed naomi, who had somehow managed to dump her apple juice all over herself, along with spread the sauce from the pasta she was eating all over her face.

"i'll go get a cloth." mil said, kissing the top of skye's head. mil tossed a towel to skye and she grabbed it. she began to clean her daughters face as mil sat down and resumed the conversation.

"so, jax. how's your work?"

"never mind my work. i want to know the story about how you two got engaged."


three years ago - new york city [pride week]

"i can't believe we're actually in new york." mil sighed, opening the curtains in the hotel room and looking down at the streets below that was flooded with rainbows.

"to be honest, neither can i." skye laughed, wrapping her arms around mil's waist and kissing the nape of her neck. mil twisted around and wrapped her arms around skye's neck and kissed her.

"do you want to go down to the parade?"

"i'm so jet lagged...can we go later?" mil asked, laying down on the bed.

"of course, babe. but first...can i do something?" skye laid down next to mil on the bed.


"it's fun and all celebrating pride week with a girlfriend...but you know what's even better?"


"celebrating it with a fiancée. so--" skye pulled a ring box out of the pocket of her sweatshirt and opened it, revealing an engagement ring.

"oh my god..."

"so...whaddaya say?"

"yes, yes, yes!" mil passionately kissed skye, smiling the entire time. "yes!"

"that's so cute. oh my god." jax said as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

"she's always a romantic." mil kissed her girlfriend on the cheek and make her blush.

"oh, stop it you."

"and then? and then?"

"and then...we got married in secret, moved here, and...had her." skye ran a hand through naomi's short curly hair and smiled as she kissed her forehead.

"and we're happier than ever."

" could you not be? you're living with the girl of your dreams, you have a nice have a child for gods sake."

"yeah." skye smiled and squeezed mil's hand. "and i wouldn't have it any other way."

"skye? skye? wake up!"


"you fell asleep." skye sat up and looked around, noticing that they were in skye's apartment, cuddling on the couch.

"oh, sorry."

"you were smiling. what were you dreaming about?"

"hmm? oh, nothing." skye said, holding mil closer. "nothing at all."


wooo two shitty updates in one day woooo

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