four (skil)

33 5 30

idea from the lovely LOUVREPHIL

sick day ~ fluff


"good morning, skye." mil said sleepily, rolling over in bed to hug her girlfriend.

"nnnnnnnngh." skye groaned.

"how are you?" mil snuggled closer.


"you okay, love?"

"i feel like shit." skye whined, rolling over.

"face me for a second?" skye turned to look at mil and she noticed that her nose and cheeks were flushed red. she placed the back of her hand on skye's forehead and gasped.


"oh my god, skye! you're burning up! you poor thing." mil pressed a kiss onto mil's forehead and looked deep into her eyes, cupping her cheeks in her hands. "you're staying home today."

"but...but i have work--"

"you are staying in bed today." mil got out of bed and grabbed her phone, dialing a number.

"what are you doing?"

"i'm calling your boss, then mine."

"why yours?"

"cause i'm staying home to take care of you."

"but you--"

"shh, babe." mil shoved a thermometer into skye's mouth. "keep this under your tongue." skye let out a squeak in protest, only to cross her arms and sink down lower in bed.

"do you want something to eat, love?" mil asked, curling up next to skye. "i was going to make myself some eggs, but if you want something else, i can make it."

"i feel like throwing up." skye mumbled, burying her face into the pillow.

"oh, poor baby." mil sat up and straddled skye and began rubbing her shoulders.

"that feels nice." skye said softly. "can i have a ibuprofen?"

"of course, love." mil leaned over and grabbed the bottle of ibuprofen and handed it to skye. skye screwed the top off and dumped a few capsules into her hand and swallowed them and grimaced at the taste.

"would you like to go cuddle with me on the couch and watch a movie?"

"c-can i pick the movie?" skye turned around with excitement in her eyes.

"of course you can, silly." mil giggled. she helped skye get out of bed and slung her limp arm around her shoulders. she turned and looked over at skye with her disheveled hair, wonky glasses, and frayed pajamas, somehow still thinking to herself that her girlfriend still looked adorable.

"what?" skye noticed that mil was staring.

"you're beautiful." mil said, kissing skye. she pulled away quickly with panic in her eyes.

"why did you do that? you're going to be sick now!" skye exclaimed.

"it was worth it."

~time skip~

"heeeeey, skylar. you free today?"

"yeah. why?"

" we're sick, and--"

"wait, wait, wait. we're sick?"


"how? you were both fine yesterday."

"well, excuse me. is it so bad that i still want to kiss my girlfriend even if she's sick?"

"if she has a fever of 103 degrees, yes!"

"umm, if i may." skye said. "it was actually 106.8 degrees."

"shut up, skye."

"rude." skye huffed.

"skylar, i will fight."

"sorry, sorry."

"anyways, can you come?"

"i'll be over shortly."


sorry that was so shitty aack

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