the second date

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Hey guys, so I broke my laptop and it's gonna take a while to get it fixed but I will still be updating. I will go back and editing to make things perfect.



Calum brought us into his room and Luke held onto my hand the whole time. We all sat down on his bed.

"So, Kadee, why did you come here with this bastard?" Luke scoffed. I put my hand on his shoulder to prevent him from doing anything he will regret.

"I brought Luke here because, well, he told me why you beat him up."

"I beat him up because he doesn't need to break your heart."

"We all know that's not the reason. He told me the story about your sister and I'm so sorry about that, but just because some girl lied to you about Luke breaking up with them, you don't just beat him up. How many girls that you have befriended have gone out with Luke?" He stared at the carpet.

"Seven..." He said it with so much main in his voice, that it made my heart shatter.

"So you've beaten Luke up seven time because those girl lied to you about Luke breaking up with them." He looked up at Luke than at me. I looked over to Luke who was silent.

"Mate, you used to be good friends. We would always check out chicks at the park after school is grade school, and we would always see a film on weekends. Remember those times?" Calum smiled.

"Yeah. Best times of my life. Remember that one brunette chick we thought was Miley Cyrus?" They started laughing.

"They could've been twins!" They started to laugh harder and the smile on my face grew larger and larger.

"See, this is how it should be. We should be able to laugh and have fun together. I can't have to friends hate each other and I'm forced to choose. Now, hug." I push them together until they finally give in and hug. I 'awed' and they brought me in.

"This is how it always should be," I thought.

"Always," I thought.


I was studying when my phone started to go off. The caller ID says Lukey-Pookey. I slide to answer it.


"KADEE I'VE FOUND 5 NEW BANDS THAT YOU WILL LOVE!!!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear as he screamed from excitement.

"Chill out, now who are they?"

"Mayday Parade, Green Day, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, and Fall Out Boy."

"Congratulations, you have won a date with me!" I heard his dancing in the background and I giggled to myself.

"Ok, do I get to choose it or do you want to choose what we do?"

"I get to because you did last time."

"Ok what are we going to do?"

"It's a secret."

"Come on, please?" I could see him pouting.

"I will tell you when you pick me up at 6 tonight."

"Ok bye!" He hung up the phone and I looked at the clock. It said 4:30 and it will take me like an hour to get ready. I get on spotify and searched All Time Low. I shuffled their first album and read the title of the song.

A Love Like War (Featuring Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil)

I start to listen and get up to get dressed. I dance along and sing in the second chorus.

"HEARTS ON FIRE TONIGHT, FEEL MY BONES IGNITE! FEELS LIKE WAR..." I just kept singing until I tripped over my oxygen tank. I grunted and pulled myself up with the help of my desk. I readjust my tubes and go back to my closet.

I decided with a black dress, combat boots and a chunky necklace. I did a smokey eye look and put a pink beanie on my head. I grabbed my oxygen tank went downstairs.

Anna and Eric were looking at something on the computer. They looked at me and smiled.

"Where you going tonight?" Eric smirked.

"Out. On a date."

"Who's the lucky boy?"


"Isn't that the boy that you went on a date with a few nights ago?" Anna asked. I nodded.

"We'll, I have to meet this boy. When is he picking you up?" I looked at the clock.

"In five min-" I heard a knock at the door. "Or maybe now." I went to get the door but Anna beat me to it.

"Hello, you must Luke."

"Yes, I'm Luke."

"Come in." Luke walked in with his hands in his pockets and his face to the ground. I loved it when he's shy. Eric got up and shook his hand.

"The names Eric."


"So, you've been going out with my sister here, right?" I could see that Luke was getting uncomfortable.

"Erm, yes."

"Just don't break her heart."

"I promise, I won't." Eric smiled as Luke walked over to me. You took my hand and walked me to the door.

"See you guys later!" They waved and we headed out.

"You look beautiful tonight." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Thank you, you don't look half bad either, handsome." He was wearing a Nirvana shirt with a leather jacket and a pair of skinny jeans.


"So, will you please tell me where we are going?" He begged. He opened the door for me and I climbed in.

"Just drive to the beach."

"Anything for you, princess."


I guess the drive to the beach was pretty long so Luke put in an Sleeping With Sirens cd and we sang along to the lyrics.


I felt infinite.

We got to the beach ands I ran with Luke down the beach. We ran into the water and let the cold water hit our feet. I put my arms out like in the Titanic. I felt a pair of strong hands grab on my waist and lift me up as far as my oxygen tank would let me go. I felt a tug. Than heard air spraying out.

I soon forgot how to breathe. I started gasping for air. The room went black.


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