luke saves the day

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"Wait, your dad is marry Louis' mum!? I can't believe it! Do you know how famous you will get? I can see the headline now, One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Gets New Siblings and Parent." I nudged Micheal in the arm. I didn't know he was a directioner. He took a drag from his cigarette. I coughed as the smoke hit my face.

"Guys, I don't wanna be famous because of Louis, plus it isn't like he's gonna live with me. He's gonna live with my dad and his mom. Don't get so excited." I shrugged.

"Have you met Johannah or Louis yet? Huh?" I have a sense that Mary turned One Direction onto Micheal.

"Yes, and they are both very sweet. I'm actually excited. The wedding's not till December, and its in England." They looked at me in shock. "What, did you actually think they would have it in Australia? The only person they know her are me and my mom."

"I find it exciting that you get to leave this horrid place. It's so boring here." Calum never really liked it here.

"Well, I'm out of cigarettes. Babe, you got any?"

"No, I don't." He pouted like a five year old. She kissed his cheek and he light up like a light. They were really cute together. I hope to have a relationship like their's one day.

"I gotta go. My sister is probably wondering whe-" I was interrupted by Curious Calum.

"You've got a sister?" He rose an eyebrow

"She's 19 and way out of you league. Plus, she's only visiting. You couldn't have her even if she wanted you." Mary and Micheal 'oooed'.

"Shut up." His cheeks turned a bright shade of red from embarrassment. I laughed and walked down the street.


I was walking a different way because I thought it would quicker. I found a alley and walked down i. It reminded me of the book Divergent. It had a bunch of homeless lying around and they kinda creeped me out. I was stopped by a man blocking my way.

"Uh, excuse me?" I tried going around him but he moved with me.

"You're a little young to be walking alone, pretty little girl." He touched my neck and I slapped his hand away.

"I'm 18." I clenched my fists.

"Awe, you think you're so old." He smiled with his toothless grin.

"Will you please move?" I tried moving around and he grabbed my shoulders.

"You're not going anywhere, pretty lady." He pushed me up against a wall. I screamed in pain. He clasped his hand over my mouth. I didn't dare to bite it because that's just gross.

"I won't hurt you if you don't scream again." I nodded. He then guided his hand away from my mouth. He back off of me and I tried to run. The tank was lagging behind me and I looked back to see the man chasing after me. I trip over a rock and fell flat on my face.

He turned me around and smiled again.

"Where do you think you're going?" He leaned down to, I guess, kiss me. I closed my eyes and I felt a weight lift off of me. I hear a hand slapping skin. I open my eyes and see Luke beating this guy up.

The homeless man was bleeding all over when he finally surrendered. Luke walked over to me and lifted me up. I clinged to his side.

"Touch her again and I will end you." Luke put an arm around me, then quickly removed it after he realized what he was doing. He started to blush.

"Thank you for saving me."

"No problem. Why were you walking down here anyways?"

"I thought it would be an easier way home. I guess I was wrong."

"Promise me something," he took my shoulders and faced me towards him, "never go that way again. I don't want you getting more hurt." He cocked his head to my oxygen tank.

"I promise."


 Luke walked me home. When we got to my door, my mom came rushing out. She brought me in her arms.

"Oh my gosh, Kadee, I was so worried about you. Where did you go?" Luke looked at me and I looked at him.

"Um I-"

"I took her out for pizza. Her phone died and I left mine at home. Sorry for worrying you." He smiled.

"Well, thank you for keeping her safe. I really appreciate it." She let me out of her arms. I looked at Luke and mouthed a 'thank you'. He mouthed a 'your welcome' back.

"It's getting late, I think you should go, Luke."

"Don't worry, I was just leaving. See you tomorrow, Kadee." He bit his lip and played with is lip ring as he walked home.


"Luke, Luke Hemmings? The guy that I hang out with, that guy?" Calum was having a big fit about this. I nod with a mouth full of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He shook his head.

"What? You got a problem with Luke?" I scooted into his side before he pushed me away from him, almost pushing me off the seat.

"No, just he-he's just, he's gotten into some trouble with the law lately. He has been in court 4 times in the past 6 months. For what you might ask. Well, vandalism, drugs, DUI, just to name a few.' I was shocked at what I was hearing. I know that Luke had that bad boy vibe to him, but I didn't he got in trouble with the law.

"Well, he could've changed. A lot can happen in 6 months." I say, proud to try to prove him wrong.

"Whatever. Just watch when he breaks you heart, just don't come crying to me." He got up and throw away the remaining food on his lunch tray. He left and I was all alone again.

Just before I left, I get approached by Luke.

"Hey, Kadee."

"Hi, Luke."

"So, I was wondering if we actually make that pizza date happen. What do you think?" I looked at Calum in the courtyard giving me the no signal. I rolled my eyes.

"I would love to."


Ok, this wasn't very long, but I'm tired and I am in pain. So, this was just kinda background/intro to Luke's character. Don't kill me.

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