The Real Me

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*Zayn's POV*

Why was Louis calling us into the living room? I had problems to worry about here, being a genie came with some issues. I was chained to a stupid golden oil lamp that if someone picked it up and rubbed it three times I had to grant them three wishes. There was no way out of it, no loophole in the contracts. I had to grant them the wishes. I hated the whole system. I was only 6 years old when someone rubbed my lamp for the first time. I barely knew how to work my magic and I'm surprised something didn't go terribly wrong. I had to grant some greedy 10 year old's wishes. He wished for the stupidest things. A gold piggy bank he didn't have money to fill. New swim trunks his parents could've gotten him from Walmart for £12. Finally, an ice cream sundae. Boy was I ever glad to be free of him after that. I had a lamp to protect and I'd done pretty well at it for the last 13 years but I'd already come too close for comfort twice that very day. Niall dusted my lamp and I almost had to grant him wishes. That would've been awkward considering none of them knew I was a genie. I highly doubted any of them even knew we existed. Thankfully, Niall stopped one shy of the required three rubs so no wishes for him. It wasn't his fault he didn't know so I couldn't hold it against him but it took everything I had not to. Louis had walked into my room while I was tidying inside my lamp. It was my home really. I was trapped in there until he left. I was getting annoyed at the interruptions of my cleaning session too. He looked nervous and he kept fiddling with that bracelet he always wears. I knew he never takes it off and I'd always wondered why. His palms were sweaty I could see them glistening slightly in the light. The look on his face was so nervous it was almost heartbreaking. Come on Louis just spit it out already so I can get back to protecting my lamp. It was in desperate need of it, especially in this house. Which was full of people who couldn't seem to keep their noses out of each other's business.

*Niall's POV*

My back was aching already when Louis called us down. I knew it would only hurt more as time slipped on. I had just got home and I was intent on letting them out but that wasn't going to happen now because it couldn't. Not for a little while at least anyway. The wretched wastes of skin protruding from my back were starting to flick and flutter. They shifting rubbing against the cotton fabric of my sweater in their feeble attempts to break through the thick material. They really just wanted to get out into the open and be free. My face went a slight shade of pink at the thought of popping my sparkling fairy's wings in front of the boys. Being a male fairy was embarrassing enough without having to proclaim it to everyone. At least I have magic and I can fly. You know I'd always been considered a lucky one. I'm not completely sure why. Whether it was because most males were jealous of my wings or because most of the girls were hanging all over me all the time I really didn’t know. I would rather live without my wings. I hated them with a passion; they kept me from living my life to the fullest. With the constant wing cramps and the hiding. I was getting seriously sick of it all. I arched my back in an effort to cease the constant fluttering and twitching stretching out my arms to try and make it look normal. I knew it was far from normal what I had to do everyday just to keep my secret safe and sound away from the boys prying eyes. I pressed my back up against the couch back hoping no one would notice and think my rigid posture was strange. Zayn was tapping his foot impatiently. He slouched in his seat and his arms crossed over his chest, whatever he'd been doing was extremely important to him. He obviously really wanted to get back to whatever it was. He huffed angrily and scrunched his thick black eyebrows together. I could see Louis' eyes flutter nervously around the room lingering slightly longer on Harry than on the rest of us, the undying bromance. He had some big news to share, I could feel it.

*Liam's POV*

Louis was nervous, extremely nervous and sweating like a pig. Niall was sitting funny and looked to be in a considerable amount of pain. Zayn was impatient and angry, typical. Harry seemed absorbed in thought and kept fiddling with his leather pouch. Clarissa was absorbed in her own little world too. I didn't need to be a genius to figure out what Louis was about to do. He was going to tell everyone he's a Merman. I always knew what they were, they thought I didn't but I knew all along. Harry's a centaur, Niall's a fairy and Zayn's a genie. I'm a hunter. I can see them and I know the signs. I know hunter sounds like a bad thing but we're not. We're here to help them when they need it. I think we should change our name to protectors but no we have to stick with tradition. Technically we're human but we're born with this sixth sense that allows us to be able to tell when you're one of them. We can tell when you're a little different from the rest by the way you walk, talk, eat and from what you wear even. The little things that most people just don't see we do. We're the only ones other than other creatures that are allowed to know who they really are and where they are. That doesn't mean other people outside our group don't know about them it just means technically we're the only ones that should know. We know that richies would pay a fortune to get a hold of a genie's lamp or a centaur's tail hair and that poachers will do anything to get them. A pair of fairy wings or a mermaid scale could go for even higher. I couldn't wait to see what would happen with all of this. How they'd react to each other secrets. This was the moment I'd been waiting and planning for since I first met them.

*Louis' POV*

"OK, guys I have news. Big news, I'm not exactly human. Well, no, I'm not human at all."I said and Clarissa gawked. Harry turned white as a bed sheet."I'm a Merman."Liam began to clap loudly.

"Thank you Louis for being so brave. Someone finally had to come out and expose what they are."He bellowed throwing his arm around my shoulders giving me a little squeeze and a shake."Who's next?"No one stood up."I'll out you myself if you don't do it."Nobody."Fine, I warned you. I'm a hunter, Niall's a fairy, Zayn's a genie, Louis' a Merman and Harry's a centaur."He pointed at them in turn and I stared at Harry who stared right back at me.

"You hid that from me?"I asked feeling hurt he hadn't trusted me enough to let me keep his secret safe.

"I wasn't allowed to tell."He whispered.

"Well I'm outed anyway. To hell with it."Niall said stripping off his sweater and letting out a pleasured sigh as giant wings flung out from his back. Two feet out on either side of him and almost running the entire length of his body. The light shone through the sparkling sheer skin stretched tight over a thin, extremely hardy bone structure. It created a rainbow on the ground. They looked like translucent butterfly wings. Zayn stared at Niall. Niall wiggled his wings around smiling and bouncing slightly on the couch as happy as a pig in poop.

"Rub my lamp and I'll kill you, after I grant your wishes."He said glaring at me Liam and Harry. Clarissa clapped her hands excitedly.

"Yay! All my friends aren't human! That's like totally awesome."She said smiling widely and giggling. Harry stood up and pulled a leather pouch tied by a black string over his head. He groaned in pain and Clarissa's happy face crunched up into a worried one. She rubbed his back soothingly.

"Claire don't."He whispered as his face scrunched up in pain and she backed away. Soon the person standing before me wasn't Harry. Hell, it wasn't even a person. It was a centaur.

*Liam's POV*

Goodness gracious, I'd never seen a centaur in their full glory before. Not in real life. The pictures do them no justice. They just couldn't capture the majesty they possessed. The same thing went for Niall. Those wings of his were absolutely stunning. I was sure he had those female fairies just begging to get their hands on him. He'd probably been the one to chase in his little fairy clan. I really wanted to see Louis' tail in real life now, but I knew I couldn't push him. Zayn sighed and stood up.

"As long as we're unveiling here."He shot out a puff of purple smoke from his hand and summoned forth his lamp, an ornate, gold oil lamp."Rub it and die."He said. Louis looked around and shuffled nervously.

"I'm not so sure I want you to see me, the real me."He whispered.

"Why not?"I asked."I'd love to see a Merman in real life. The pictures just don't cut it."He sighed.

"I just don't want you guys to think I'm a Merfreak."He said and I cringed at the use of that derogatory slang term.

"We won't think any less of you Lou."Harry said."I'm half horse standing in the middle of our living room."

"I have wings."Niall said wings fluttering them lifting a couple inches off the ground."I mean come on mate. Mermen and male fairies are practically on the same level."It was true. They were both types of creatures seen in a mostly female nature. It really sucked for the males of the species but such was life for them.

"Fine."He said stripping off that bracelet of his. I held out my hand and he placed it in my palm."Here goes nothing."He muttered as Niall dumped a glass of water on his head.

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