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*Georgie's POV*

I just couldn't torture him anymore. Why were these feelings coming up now? I hated him for how he ruined my life but I couldn't help but feel that twinge of guilt settling in my stomach whenever I heard him talk to me. Especially when he talked about how things used to be between us. I guess the truth is that I miss it. I miss what we used to have in our friendship. It's just something we could never get back, ever.

*Louis' POV*

She didn't draw it out. I was surprised that she didn’t, but she didn't twist and turn my scale like the last time. She didn’t seem to like to see me bleeding like she did last time. The hate in her eyes was no longer there. I was right; she still loved me like she did when we were best friends. Maybe we still were best friends; she just doesn't want to admit it. Zayn was sitting in the chair lovingly stroking his lamp's cold golden surface. His fingers traced the intricate engravings like I'm sure he had a thousand times before.

"Zayn, it's OK."I said and he looked up at me.

"What's OK?"He asked and I shook my head. A smile twitched at the corners of my mouth.

"You can go into the lamp."I said and he looked down at the golden object he held. He stared at it for a couple seconds before shaking his head and looking back up at me.

"No, Lou, it's alright. I'm staying out here with you."Zayn said though I could tell he really didn't want to stay out here.

"No, Zayn."I said desperately trying to hold back chuckles wanting to spill out of my mouth."It's OK, you can go into the lamp. From the little tidbit I know about genies I know you want to."He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts.

"You can’t possibly have any idea how much I want to."He said."I can't leave you out here all by yourself to face, her, with no support."

"She has a name."I stated calmly.

"That's another thing. Louis, you could slap the crap out of her with your fin and yet, you're not. Why not?"Zayn asked and I sighed.

"We were best friends and no matter what she does to me I'll always love her like one."I said."Whenever I see her all I can see is a 15 year old version of her staring back at me. Those eyes so blue and her hair was blonde then. I couldn't hurt her, no matter how much I willed myself to."Zayn shook his head.

"You need to get over that Lou, she's not the same person anymore."He said."Georgie is no longer that girl you were best friends with."

*Niall's POV*

Louis ex-best friend had him. Well this was getting more and more interesting by the minute. My wings perked up a little bit at the thought that maybe, just maybe, Louis and Zayn will be returned home. Maybe she'd lose the will to do it and just send them home. My cell phone started to ring. I noticed the caller ID was my mother. I walked down the hall towards my room before answering it. I really didn't want to have whatever conversations she had planned in front of the lads. Talk about embarrassing, especially since it was most likely about my marriage she was trying to arrange.

"Hello Mum."I said rubbing my face.

"Niall, my sweet baby boy, I found another one and I think you'll really like her."Mum said and I groaned.

"Mum, I'm so sick of this arranged marriage crap."I said."I'm going to marry whomever I want. You can't force me into anything. Do you actually think any of these girls really love and want me? They don't love me, they love my wings! Why can't you see that Mum?"There was silence on the other end.

"Niall, I'm sorry that you can't see that what I'm doing is beneficial for everyone."Mum said and I groaned.

"You're so blinded by their facade that you can't see that these girls all just want to exploit your son."I said tears welling in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and sniffed.

"I'm marrying for love Mum, that's final."I said."I'll call you later. Good bye."

"Good bye Niall."I heard the dial tone ringing in my ear. Why can't she see what's so plainly obvious to me and everyone else. She was probably just worried I wouldn't find someone I loved that loved me back. Arranged marriage just wasn't an idea that worked for me. I walked back towards the living room.

"So what are we going to do about this? We have no clue where they are and when or if they're ever going to be released."Clarissa said. Liam shrugged and Harry paced. He was going to wear a hole through the floor by the end of this.

"What do you think Niall?"Liam asked and I looked at him stunned.

"I could try to locate them through a magic finder."I said."Since Zayn's magic is at its highest degree of potency because he's under a wish contract I could be able to use this spell to find where he is."

"That would work."Liam said."His magic is strong right now and would be sending a clear pulse. It would be easy to find him."He clapped me on the back causing me to wince

."Great thinking Nialler."Clarissa threw her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"That's a fantastic idea! I can't believe we hadn't thought of it before!"She exclaimed. It felt nice to have people telling me my ideas were great. It definitely perked the wings up a little bit. I started in on trying to find this spell. All my spell books were sprawled in front of me as I flipped and searched for the answer to our problem. I knew it was in here somewhere. It had to be.

*Clarissa's POV*

Niall flipped through page after yellowed page. His eyes scanning quickly mumbling in a language I'm sure no one of this century understands. I wasn't sure he even understood.

"Are you hungry Niall? I could get you something to eat."I whispered afraid to break his concentration.

"I’m always hungry and that would be nice. Could you make me a sandwich?"He asked and I stifled a giggle.

"Of course."I walked towards the kitchen and he continued flipping and flipping and flipping.

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