There She Is

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 *Georgie's POV*

"What did you do to me?"I asked him. When he refused to admit that he'd done anything to me I refused to do his bidding. He threw me into the cell with Louis and Zayn after giving me a good, solid left hook to the jaw. I was fine, but I knew I wasn't getting out of here until I somehow managed to pick up those tweezers and pull yet another scale out of Louis' tail.

"Just do it Georgie. I can't let you stay in here."Louis said.

"I can't. I can't."I said sliding down the wall and covering my face with my hands.

"You can Georgie."Louis said."You have to."

*Liam's POV*

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"Clarissa yelled whacking my arm with a rolled up magazine she'd found on the floor."You're driving like a maniac."

"You haven't seen driving like a maniac."I said."This is NOT driving like a maniac."

"Stop!"Niall yelled in front of some dilapidated building way out of town."Here! He's here!"I slammed on the brakes and Clarissa slid forward smacking her head off the dashboard.

"Clarissa!"Harry screamed as she flopped backwards slumping against the window."You killed her!"

"She's fine!"I yelled back at him as she sat up rubbing her head.

"Ouch."She said and Harry sighed.

"You're OK."He whispered.

"Harry, you worry too much."She said unbuckling her seat belt and jumping out of the car. She's definitely a hunter. Our breed don’t stop for anything less than being unconscious or completely out of it.

*Louis' POV*

"Just do it Georgie."I said but she refused to even touch the blood stained tweezers or the jug of water sitting on the table."If you don't you'll be stuck in here and he might even try to sell you like he will us after he's got what he wants."She shook her head.

"I can't do it Louis."She said."I can't. It wasn't me that did those things to you. Well, it was me but it wasn't me!"She buried her head in her hands and refused to look up at me.

"I know what's going on here."Zayn said suddenly sitting in the other chair across the room. Wafts of purple smoke drifted away and disintegrated into nothing until it was perfectly clear he was serious.

"He's using dust, fairy dust. He's putting it in the water he's been making you drink or the food he’s been feeding you and when you ingest fairy dust it brings out the worst in everyone. It amplifies feelings that u may have had in the past or are buried below the surface. It's nasty stuff and it's illegal."

"Then how did he get it?"Georgie asked finally coming out of the shell she'd been building for herself. I smiled at her and she looked away. Zayn rolled his eyes at her and I raised an eyebrow. She didn’t know anything because she’s not one of us. Sometimes he’s just so hard headed.

"He's a poacher. He got it from the same place he makes his money from, the black magic market."Zayn said."The place where you can find anything at anytime; it doesn't matter whether it's legal or not. Anything legal you can buy at some witch's shop on a corner."Georgie looked confused but nodded.

"They're a ruthless breed."I said."They always get what they want."Georgie sighed.

"Then I guess there's no hope for us."She said.

"There's always hope."Zayn said."It doesn't matter how dark the place you’re in there's always hope."

*Clarissa's POV*

"Which way Niall?"I asked and he didn't reply."Niall!"I turned to see Harry trying to fix his wing again and him running away.

"Harry stop it! Don't touch them and don't touch me!"He yelled shooting lines of fairy dust out of the tips of his fingers at Harry's face which caused him to sputter and cough harshly.

"Niall, shut up."Liam hissed. I sighed and walked towards Niall. He stepped backwards wiggling his fingers.

"Don't you dare pull that with me. If one particle of your magic dust lands on me there will be hell to pay Niall James Horan."I said unzipping his sweater and pulling it off of him.

"Unfold."He unfolded his wings and they sprung out like tightly coiled springs.

"Fold."I commanded and he refolded his wings. I slipped his sweater back on. I smoothed my hands over his back and smiled to myself.

"Much better."I whispered to no one in particular. He looked like a punished toddler when I stepped away.

"Hey, smile a little."I said grabbing his face and giving it a little shake.

"Guys."Liam said gesturing towards the door of the building we were trying to get into.

"Right!"Harry exclaimed marching towards the door."They'd better give me back my Boobear or things are going to get centaur ugly."Liam raised his eyebrows.

"This is serious, centaurs are usually very gentle."He whispered to me and I shook my head.

"Sometimes I swear you don't even really know your own charges Liam."I whispered back."Harry is far from gentle when it comes to his friends and their well being."He shook his head.

"They can apply 50 pounds of pressure to a single back kick and that's not even one they wind up for."He said."That's enough to badly injure at least. If he got angry enough.."He trailed off as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Well then let's hope and pray he doesn't get that angry."I said. We entered the building as cautiously as possible. The last thing we needed was to alert them to our presence. Our biggest advantage was the element of surprise. If all else failed I could just piss Harry off until he back kicked whoever was holding Louis and Zayn hostage into the next century. If all else fails we always have an easily angered centaur in reserve.

*Louis' POV*

"Georgie."I whispered but she shook her head.

"I'm making a stand Louis!"She said crossing her arms over her chest. There she was, the stubborn girl I'd always known. I laughed but cut myself off hoping she didn't notice, she noticed. She pursed her lips and looked at me.

"Stop laughing at me Louis."She said."You're going to make me laugh."

"That would be the point."I said."I do like to make you laugh."Her smile reminded me of Eleanor. A sharp pain hit my heart when I thought of her. Eleanor was a Merperson, just like me, and I missed her something awful. She was the best mergirl I'd met in a long time. I really couldn't wait to escape this place and get back to her, if I ever escaped this place. Stop it, I couldn't afford to think like that. I would get out of here with Zayn and Georgie by my sides. I'd get out of here if it's the last thing I ever did.

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