The First Wish

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*Zayn's POV*

I paced back and forth across the red carpeted floor of my lamp. This sucked, a lot. I was officially back in the position I'd promised myself I'd never be in again. I'd promised myself that I'd never let anyone rub my lamp again. I ran my hand through my hair and sat on the floor as far away from the exit/entrance of the lamp as possible. I heard the door swing open and that horrible man called for me.

"Oh magical genie, do come out."He said. I covered my face with my hands and wept. I was forever going to be some piece of property that someone owned. Used for pleasure and treated like dirt. I was an enslaved genie.

"Well I guess I'll just leave and take some more time to think of my wishes."He said and I could see his evil grin spread across his face in my mind. Evil chuckles vibrated down my lamp's spout as he slammed the door shut behind him causing the table under my lamp to sway on its unsteady legs. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and sniffed. My eyes blurred over with fresh tears and I tilted my head back to keep them from sliding out. This wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to let him get to me. If I was going to be forced to do this I was going to do it with pride. He could never take my dignity away, unless I let him, and no way in hell was I going to do that. This was far from over.

*Louis' POV*

Zayn's been taken. How could Liam have let this happen? No, this isn't Liam's fault. He only could try his best and we don't exactly make his job easy. I needed to soak this all in and think. I knew one place I could do that. I abruptly stood from the couch causing Niall to jerk his head up suddenly.

"I'm going to soak, in the literal sense of the word."I said then I turned and walked out not even waiting for their reply. I just couldn’t handle it anymore and soaking always helped me feel better. I walked into my room, pulled off my bracelet and hopped into the tub situated in the corner of my room that I’d had since I was about 5 years old. It was far too big for me then but now I had to curl up to fit completely in it. I submerged my head in water and everything went silent. I loved it. The serenity of it all kept me sane sometimes, not that I was really too sane to begin with. I pulled my tail up to my chest and curled up on my side. I sank fully into the water and just thought. I wished I could have just laid there for the rest of my life. It was just so comfortable. I slipped into a deep calm sleep that can't be broken, no matter what happens. A truck could have driven through my room and I would’ve slept through it.

*Niall's POV*

I couldn't believe it. I didn't think our Zayn was really stupid enough to get caught by poachers. Don’t genies have to sit through those boring classes about keeping ourselves safe that are taught to all creatures when they turn 13 by hunters that are older than the earth itself and are constantly forgetting what they’re doing? Was he even paying attention at all during the 3 hour session? He was probably one of those kids who sat at the back of the classroom and slept behind their sunglasses the entire time. I walked down the hallway towards my room after Louis jumped off from the couch to go soak in his tub. Normally I would fly but I couldn't get my wings to carry me anywhere. I just sat in the corner of my room with a bag of crisps and pouted. My wings weren’t working and I wanted Zayn back.

*Harry's POV*

This was so incredibly stupid. Why couldn't the poachers have just taken me? I'm hardly worth the effort to skin for a rug anyway. My coat is average, brown and dull like a thousand other centaurs I know including both my parents and my sister. That's probably why they didn't take me, I’m too average. I wish they'd just taken me instead of poor Zayn. He was just your average genie with a major lamp obsession. My limited knowledge of genies told me they'd do anything to get their lamps back. I just really hoped that attachment didn't extend farther than the loyalty of friendship did, but I was starting to doubt it would.

*Liam's POV*

I knew they'd eventually wear him down to his breaking point. Zayn would eventually break down and tell them everything he knew, which was everything. That lamp of his was like an extremely addictive drug to him and he desperately needed it. He was a lamp junkie. I would've liked to think that the power of friendship would override that desperate need, but I knew just how likely that was and it wasn't very. I just hoped he could give us some time to get everyone to somewhere safe before he broke our trust with a pack of poachers.

*Zayn's POV*

I heard the door slam open again. The loud sound vibrated my lamp's walls and the table shook. I thought for sure my lamp was going to tumble right off and crash against the floor. Maybe dying like that would be better than having to grant this man's wishes that were all targeted towards hurting my friends. No, you can't start thinking like that. You can't let them get to you.

"Oh genie!"He yelled."I've got my first wish for you!"I sighed and let myself be sucked up and out of the lamp. When the purple smoke cleared I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. He smirked.

"I wish that you would tell me where your friends are or better yet. I wish for directions to where your friends are."My jaw dropped to the floor and I shook my head. I knew I had to do it.

"I'm sorry."I whispered. I looked him in the eye and said in a strong voice that to my surprise only cracked once.

"Your wish has been fulfilled."A piece of paper poofed onto the table in a cloud of my signature purple smoke telling in exact instructions on how to get to the house were we all lived. He smiled that sickening smile and left me to wallow in my misery. I felt so dirty and grimy, but I had to grant him his three stupid wishes. There was absolutely no way out for me, no holes in the contract that I could slip through.

*Clarissa's POV*

I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know what it was that was bugging me so much. I thought maybe I'd eaten something nasty, but it soon became clear this wasn't that type of funny feeling. I had a sudden urge to get everyone out of the house as soon as possible. By as soon as possible I meant right now.

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