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*Liam's POV*

There Harry was accusing me of not caring about Zayn. There was only one person who cared more about Zayn than me and it was his mother. They didn't know how badly it reflected on me if I lost one of them and I was their friend. I loved him just as much as they did. I couldn't take Harry's accusing tone anymore.

"Do you REALLY want to know why I don't want us to just barge in there?"I asked jumping up from my chair and trying to make myself as tall as Harry was. He was a good inch taller than me.

"I'm saying these things because I can't bear to lose all of you!"I yelled hot tears rimming my eyes."If I were to lose every one of my charges and friends at once I'd lose it for sure. I'm already halfway there with one."Harry stared at me.

"Li, I didn't mean to make you upset."He said and I put up my hand to stop him from talking.

"Save it Styles. You meant what you said, you always do."I turned and ran towards my bedroom while Clarissa began to yell at Harry. I didn't care what she said to him, he had no right going at me like that. I was only trying to do what was best for them. Why could they never see that?

*Clarissa's POV*

"Why do you do this Harry?"I screamed."He's just trying to help and he always does what's right for you?"

"Oh so now you agree with him too?"Harry asked his face distorted with an anger I'd never seen."Hunters stick together huh? Well I guess our many years of friendship mean nothing to you!"I opened my mouth to say something but his next comment stopped me in my tracks.

"My parents were right about you hunters. You're not worth knowing."That stabbed right through my heart. I actual felt the intense pain in my chest like my heart was actually breaking.

"Harry, I'm not going to say anything to but this. Where would you be right now if Liam hadn't stepped in to save you when those girls almost tore your charm off?"I walked up to him, as he was in human form, and grabbed the pouch hanging from his neck. I twirled it in between my fingers.

"How long would you have lasted without this?"I asked and he looked at the ground."I know how long you would've lasted, about 2 and half minutes, maybe 3 if your strength held out long enough."He shook his head.

"I really hate it when you're right."He whispered looking up at me."I'm sorry Claire, about what I said about hunters. You're an awesome bunch, I just wasn't thinking."I nodded.

"It's OK Haz, I forgive you."I said pinching his cheek. Liam came back out and Harry apologized. They hugged and all that jazz. They were good again or they were at least on speaking terms.

*Zayn's POV*

"Genie!"He yelled and is sighed.

"I have a name you know."I said as I planted my feet firmly on the ground once I emerged from the purple haze. He coughed and waved away the last bit of smoke.

"I don't care what your name is, but I know it. Your name is Zayn Javaad Malik, born January twelfth 1993."He said and I stared at him."I know who your friends are too. There's Niall James Horan, born September thirteenth 1993, and Louis William Tomlinson, born December twenty-fourth 1991. Harold Edward Styles, he was born on February first 1994 and Liam James Payne, born August twenty-eighth 1993."I continued to stare at him and I felt like I was choking on my own silence. Then this brown haired girl in her twenties with gorgeous blue eyes stalked into the room. I mean stalk, not walk. There was some serious power to her step, she was intimidating. I sat down in the chair as she stepped right up to me.

"Zayn, dear genie Zayn, you will tell me how to get around this hex that your little fairy friend has put on the house or else."She said quietly, softly even. She walked her fingers up my torso flicking my nose then pinching my cheek.

"Zayn."She whispered."Tell me."

"I don't know what you're expecting me to tell u!"I said sliding the chair backwards from the woman who was practically sitting on my lap. She stumbled slightly and straightened her skirt in a flustered fashion.

"I can't rewrite the laws of magic for you. No one has the power to do that."I said and her mood changed dramatically. Her eyes darkened and her face twisted up into an angry glare.

"You listen to me you smoke sprouting freak!"She said poking his finger into my chest, the overwhelming scent of her flowery perfume making my eyes water."I didn't want you. I just want Louis so I can prove to them I'm not insane. Mermaids exist."She spun around and stared at the wall.

"Technically he's a Merman."I said and she growled in my general direction.

"I don't care, he's just a Merfreak and a male one at that. How embarrassing, Merpeople are so girly and he has to be stuck as one of them."She said giggling with a tiny snort."He deserves what I'm going to do to him."She threw he head back and laughed.

"Who's the crazy bitch now?"She hissed at the ceiling and personally I was beginning to think that she was the crazy bitch.

"What would that be, that you are going to do to him?"I asked and she chuckled.

"I'm going to rip those precious scales of his out one by one."She said through clenched teeth."And when his tail is raw and bleeding I'm going to pour rubbing alcohol all over it. Maybe I'll even make him soak in it."My eyes widened in horror and she laughed menacingly.

"For my second wish, I wish that Louis Tomlinson was standing in this room."I knew I had to do it.

"I'm sorry Lou."I whispered summoning all the strength I had to say it."Your wish has been granted."

*Louis' POV*

My world suddenly turned purple. One minute, I'm standing in the living room with everyone. Next, I'm in a prison like place with Zayn sitting beside me wincing and rubbing his temples.

"Zayn?"I said and he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Lou, they made me."He said and I stared at him confused.

"Who's they?"I asked and before he could answer the door swung open slamming against the wall. The deafening sound rang in my ears.

"Why hello there Louis."The woman said and I stared at her. I couldn't mistake those blue eyes anywhere.


"Georgie, why did you do this?"I asked and she sneered at me.

"Because you hurt me Louis!"She yelled her beautiful eyes tearing up.

"Georgie I."I started to say but she cut me off.

"No!"She wailed."Stop it, I can't do this, but I have to."I reached out and touched her shoulder. I turned her towards me and looked at her.

"Georgie, I'm sorry if I hurt you I didn't mean to."I said. She just looked so sad I couldn't help myself, I hugged her. I felt her body stiffen and I knew I'd gone too far too fast.

"Get away from me!"She screeched pushing me away and slapping me across the face. It stung and I lifted my hand to my cheek which was hot. I could tell it was reddening.

"How dare you!"She let the tears fall."Rot in hell Louis!"She screamed slamming the door behind her leaving me alone and confused with Zayn in that tiny little cell like room.

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