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*Louis' POV*

Zayn finally gave in after much prodding from me to retreat into his lamp. I knew he needed it and him staying out here in a distracted state wasn't helping either of us. He was getting fidgety too and it really gets on my nerves when people do that. They start tapping their feet and twiddling their thumbs. It's just so annoying. Georgie came back when she thought I was sleeping. I had drifted off in the chair but the slam of the heavy door woke me up. I had enough sense to keep my eyes closed.

"Louis."She whispered."Are you awake?"I snorted slightly and she giggled.

"I guess not."I felt her hand on the side of my face.

"I'm sorry Louis."She said."I blamed you for years for what happened to me, but you made me see."She whispered her voice strained as if trying to talk through tears."It wasn't your fault that my parents thought I was crazy. If I'd been them I would've thought I was crazy too. My so called friends weren't really my friends. You were more of a friend than they ever were. I watched every episode of the X-Factor you were on. I was always cheering for you."I felt her starting to shake as if crying. I lifted my hand to hers on my cheek and opened my eyes. She was crying.

"Louis, you were awake. You weren't meant to hear all that."She said going to stand but I grabbed her hand.

"You're not going anywhere."I said."I forgive you Georgie for all the things you did to me and you’ve obviously forgiven me. I want to be friends again Georgie."

"I want to be friends again too."She said.

"Then why can't we be?"I asked.

"Because I said so."

*Clarissa's POV*

"I found it!"Niall yelled jumping up off the ground and hitting his head off the ceiling."I found the spell!"He rubbed his head and flew around the room a couple times before planting his feet on the ground again.

"Here it is. It's even in English."He pointed to passage written in curly faded black ink. It was a random English spell in a pack of welsh.

"That's fantastic Niall."I said bending over to look at the spell."Can you do it though?"

"Most likely, my magic's strong enough but I've never performed a spell that required this amount of power."He said furrowing his brow as he stared at the page.

"I have faith in you Nialler."I whispered and he relaxed a little."I believe you can do it."I smiled as the sparkle on his wings brightened a little more.

"I think I can do this too, just let me read this over a couple times. I don't want to mess this up."He said.

"You won't mess this up Niall."I said leaving him in peace."You know what to do."I swear his wings actually started to glow.

*Zayn's POV*

I heard someone talking outside my lamp. It startled me out of my nap that Louis had convinced me I deserved. It was a female voice. I jumped up ready to burst out of my lamp in record time. One thing stopped me in my tracks. The voice was shaking and then I heard sobs. Whoever was out there was crying. Then I heard Louis talking to her. I poofed out of my lamp just in time to see that scruffy man standing in the doorway staring at us.

"Why are you back?"I asked and the man grinned evilly.

"Come along Georgia."He said beckoning her over. She hesitated looking at Louis sadly.

"Now Georgia."She went out the door and the man slammed it behind him.

"She wants to be friends again."Louis said."That man, he's the reason she's doing all this."

"He's a poacher, he'll do anything to turn his profit."I said."Including preying on that innocent girl."

"How do we save ourselves and her from this mess?"Louis asked and I shook my head.

"I wish I knew Lou, I wish I knew."

*Georgie's POV*

I hated him. At first I thought he was a good man, but now I see past his facade. I don't know why I was acting like I did. I don't know how I tortured Louis like that. It was almost like I was watching myself from above. I'd always disliked Louis greatly since my parents had stuck me in therapy, but I'd never truly hated him. All the sudden it was like I couldn't stand him any longer. I just wanted to kill him. I wanted to make him feel the pain I went through when that therapist was digging through my head trying to figure out why I was insisting that Merpeople were real. Medication after medication was pumped into my system to reduce my “delusions” until I turned into a zombie who stared at the television and never slept. The therapist suggested that I be separated from Louis. That he might be the one feeding my illusion considering he was the person I was insisting was not normal. That's when I stopped talking to him. For a little while afterwards I cried every day. I missed Louis, I missed his mother and his sisters. They were like my other family. There was a medication for that though and soon I stopped crying. I became numb even though every day seemed to drag by and as they grew more numerous I trained myself to forget. He brought it all back and intensified it by 100 times. I don't know why I did the things I did to Louis. All I knew is that I didn't ever want to do it ever again.

"Why were you talking to him?"He asked.

"I wanted to."I said."He's my best friend."

"Was your best friend."He said sneering."Think of all he did to you Georgia and you're still willing to give him that title."

"He didn't do anything to me!"I screamed."I don't know why I ever thought that because it's not true!"His eyes turned cold and I shivered.

"I see it's time for some more water."He said.

"Water? Water! What the bloody hell does water have to do with any of this?"He placed a glass of water in front of me and when I took a sip the world started to spin.

"What did you do to me?"I managed to say before I blacked out completely.

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