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**[There's a picture of the outside of Zayn's lamp on the side.]


*Clarissa's POV*
He just stood there for a couple minutes and nothing happened. He didn’t morph into something or collapse in pain like Harry did. I started wondering whether he had lied to us or not. Then it happened. His face turned white as fresh snow and I saw his legs sticking together. He sat in a chair as his legs started to physically shake. Silver scales burst through his skin laying flat over the shapeless mass that used to be his legs. His feet lengthened and flattened into fins. He breathed out a sigh of relieve when it was all over and rubbed his hands up and down his tail. I gasped at the sight of his tail. It was magnificent. It was a metallic silver, long and just plain beautiful. There was no other word for it. It was just stunningly beautiful.
*Niall's POV*
I hovered a couple inches off the ground and inspected Louis' tail. It was just a bad fairy habit I had picked up in my younger years. My Mom was always telling me to keep my feet on the ground but who would want to? Flying is far too much fun to not.

"Niall, why have I never noticed the wing thing before?"Harry asked looking me up and down trying to figure out how I hide such massive things from them. I shrugged.

"You never looked."I said."You weren't looking for wings so you didn't see them."

"They're beautiful."Clarissa said reaching out but hesitating to touch. I took her hand and put it on my wing.

"It's OK. You can touch them. It doesn't hurt me."I said and Louis tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. I turned and smiled at him."You're not a freak Lou, you're amazing. I mean, just look at that tail, gorgeous."I said while Liam nodded and that seemed to be what he wanted to hear. Clarissa rubbed my wing between her index finger and her thumb inspecting it closely. She squinted at the delicate swirl pattern engraved into my wings. It was barely noticeable but definitely there.

"They're so pretty, you're a lucky one."She whispered and Liam nodded.

"She's right, most male fairy's wings aren't in half as nice shape as yours. I don't know how you kept them in such good shape. Male fairies are usually so hard on their wings often not realizing the damage they're doing until it's already done."He said and Louis sighed.

"OK, can I turn back now?"He asked wiggling his fins causing light to bounce off his scales and almost blind me."I feel awkward without my bathtub."Liam inspected his tail and nodded handing him his bracelet.

"You took good care of your tail too. Most males' are in rough shape by your age. I don't know what it is with Mermen and male fairies but you're just so rough on the best gifts you were given."He said. Zayn clutched his lamp close to his body. He was extremely protective of it. I'd heard that genies wouldn't let their lamps go if their lives depended on it. Some say you couldn't pry their lamp out of their hands even after they were dead. They seriously hated being at other people's bidding. I took some time to actually look at the lamp he grasped tightly in his calloused hands. It looked much like the one they used in Aladdin but a lot more ornate. He scowled at me when he noticed I was staring and I held up my hands.

"It's a nice lamp mate, I wasn't going to touch it."I said and he relaxed.

"It was my grandfather's. It bonded to me after he died."He whispered. I'd never heard of this bonding thing.
*Liam's POV*
Bonding: the process of a young genie finding his or her lamp. Sometimes it's new sometimes it's old. It's a very important time in a young genie's life. We could call it a defining moment. Zayn's was a family heirloom, probably had been some other family members before his grandfather's. The whole thing made sure no other genie could just steal your lamp. He had to be invited in and once he left he had to be invited in again and again. It made it quite a pain for lamp stealers. The only way to get a genie to come out of his lamp unwillingly was to rub it but then you have to have three wishes. After that though, they can unleash their anger on you. It's not a pretty sight. I would've loved to see the inside of Zayn's lamp, but we had to wait for him to be ready to show us and I wasn't sure he was. I didn't want to push him so far he'd fall off the edge.
*Zayn's POV*
I really wanted to show them my real home, but my mother would kill me. If Harry tracked hove prints all over the rug she would kill me. They weren't big fans of centaurs. They'd never told me why they just weren't.

"Wait, what was I afraid of?"I thought. It was my bloody lamp. I could do what I wanted. I wasn't a little genie who couldn't keep his lamp clean anymore. I was an adult I’d show them my lamp if I wanted to.

"Do you guys want to see the inside of the lamp?"I asked in a hopeful manner. Maybe they didn't want to see some freak genie's hovel.

"Sure mate, I'd love to see where you really live."Harry said winking. Now they knew why my room was always so clean.

"Don't be freaked out, it feels a little like being sucked up into a tornado but you'll be fine."I threw my hand up and circled around. Purple smoke flew out and around. I felt the familiar tugging and smiled to myself. How I enjoyed the feeling of going home.

*Niall's POV*
It felt just like flying. I wasn't scared. It felt like zooming up as high as you can go while spinning in a tight circle. I’d always loved doing that when I was a little sprite. Mum always yelled at me about it though. Said I was going to kill myself or expose us to the neighbours she did. Like they paid any attention to me, I was always just the strange child with the bulges on his back that lived next door. The wind was whipping through my hair and my adrenaline was pumping. It was exhilarating and I was sure my hair looked like I’d just woken up but I didn’t care. I didn’t care one bit.
*Liam's POV*
Just concentrate on what they told you Liam. Just concentrate on what they told you. You’ve trained for this. It'll be over soon and you’ll be perfectly fine with your feet on the ground. Hopefully you’ll be all in one piece. NO! Don’t think like that you’ll be fine Liam and in one complete piece.
*Harry's POV*
If I broke something Zayn was going to pay. Magic or no magic I could back kick the snot out of him and I would if I got hurt. I just tucked all four of my legs underneath myself. I willed it to soon be over.
*Louis' POV*
This wasn't really so bad. It was actually kind of fun. Although I hoped it would be over soon. I was starting to feel kind of sick to my stomach and I didn’t think the other lads would appreciate my breakfast of seaweed and bacon on their heads. We landed inside of Zayn's lamp and I almost fell over as we did so. Thankfully Zayn was there to catch me and put me on my feet again.

”Happens to everyone Lou, it took me years to get the hang of landing on my feet.”Zayn said smiling as I was slightly embarrassed. Everyone else had fallen over or at least they’d stumbled too so that made me feel slightly better. I gasped as my eyes widened in wonder. His lamp was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside.

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