Inside Zayn's Lamp and The Truth

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*Zayn's POV*

I chuckled at their awe and wonder. The things around me didn't quite seem so splendid anymore since I was used to them, but seeing their faces made me realize that it really was spectacular. The walls were gold just like the lamp light bounced off every wall from the old oil lamps hanging all over the room. Drapes of purples and royal blues hung wrapping around the entire room tied tightly with golden tassels. My bed was over to my right, away from the spout of the lamp which was the entrance; my bed was covered in a plain black bedspread. What can I say, my mother decorated the lamp and I didn’t have the heart to change it. She was always very traditional in her genie style. My posters of my favourite singers hung on the walls and my clothes had been neatly stacked in the dressers covered in family photos. I was an overall tidy person, just part of who I am I guess.

"Wow, this is awesome."Niall said and he bent his knees launching off the ground. His wings sparkled and threw rainbow patterns all over the room causing Clarissa to stare in pure awe. He flew around inspecting the whole place. He nodded and flew to the very top of the lamp. He smiled and seemed to now be flying for the pure pleasure of it. He swooped around the home smiling and laughing to himself. He really did enjoy himself and he was more like regular Niall now. He seemed more relaxed.

"Oh my wings feel like heaven."He said landing with a quiet thump."They haven't been stretched this much in ages. He arched his back and folded his wings in and out a couple times. Harry smiled at him swishing his black haired tail back and forth.

"It feels good not having to hide who I really am anymore."He said. I agreed, finally it was out in the open and I could finally just be me. I had nothing to hide anymore and it felt great. I guess I no longer have to hide my lamp in the closet every time I go out. They know better than to touch it.

*Liam's POV*

This is what I'd been working for. Complete truth, no secrets between the boys. What would happen when Clarissa found out she wasn't normal either. She was a hunter too which is the only reason she isn't dead right now. They don't like other people knowing, humans really. They don’t want humans knowing where their creatures are and who they are. It puts everyone at risk. "They" are the council by the way. They hold control over everything and no humans are allowed to know. Only if you plan on marrying them because it's actually against our law to marry someone and not tell them that you're a creature of some type. I mean what would happen if a fairy married a human and didn't tell her or him that they're a fairy? When they had kids they'd come out with wings the fairy would have a lot of explaining to do to their spouse. They're extremely strict with their rules. Zero room for bend or wiggle. I knew that she'd figure it out eventually, that she couldn’t possibly be normal. The question was, how long would eventually take?

*Clarissa's POV*

I had a feeling I wasn't normal either. I mean Harry kept saying he wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Why did he choose to tell me first then? They're had to be something different about me. He wouldn’t just out of the blue tell me something like that since he clearly was hiding it from everyone else. I was going to ask my Mum, she'd tell me. Or at least I hoped she would.

"Mum, am I, different?"I asked and she looked at me.

"They told you didn't they?"She said."You're a hunter my dear, just like Liam. You can see the differences between the creatures and the humans."I breathed out a sigh of relief. I thought she was going to tell me I was a genie or something. Although I wasn't sure how she could've hidden that from me for 17 whole years. It would've been impossible and I threw that. I laughed and hugged her.

"I knew there just had to be something different about me."I said. Mum smiled and hugged me back.

“Now go protect your group. Between you and Liam nothing bad could possibly happen to them.”She said. Boy, was she ever wrong about that.

*Liam's POV*

I was so happy when she finally found out that she was a hunter just like me. I'd hidden her secret from her and kept the boys from finding out about each other’s for two years. I was getting pretty sick of it all. From my point of view it was obvious, but I was a hunter. It was different for me. I could see these things a lot easier that most people. That's what I'd been bred and trained to do. Ever since I was old enough to talk my parents had been teaching me how to break up a vampire/werewolf dispute and see the slight bulges that sprout from fairies’ backs no matter how hard they try to hide them. About the vampire werewolf thing, trust me, that feud was very real and much nastier than any Twilight saga bull. I was glad I hadn't been assigned a group with a vampire or a werewolf or worse, both. Now centaurs and genies did have a tiff a little while back. It was over nothing really and I'm sure Harry and Zayn wouldn't bring it up or remember it even. They would’ve been about three and two if my memory serves me correctly when that fight broke out. I can't even remember what it was about it was that stupid of a fight. I didn't really want to break up a fight between an angry genie and a stomping centaur but if it came down to it, I would and I could. Everything was going well. I planned to keep it that way as long as I possibly could. Then I heard girls screaming, which wasn't unusual since they just love us, then Harry's yell for help.

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