The life of a victor: Cloves story

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Hey everyone, I hope you will enjoy my sequel to Clato forever ;) Please vote and comment because I'd love to hear what you think about this fan fiction. I hope you enjoy it :)

Chapter 1: The Victors tour

I lay in my bed watching the sun leak through the curtains, in my room. Today is the start of the victory tour, when we visit each district and look at the faces of the families of the children we killed.

I drag myself out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. The bathroom is a lot nicer than the one in our old home. Here we have cold and hot running water, back at our old home we only had cold unless you boiled the water.

I take a quick shower, my prep team will be here soon. They will have to polish me up for the cameras. I haven't taken much pride in my appearance for the past few months, mostly because I just couldn't be bothered.

I slip on my robe and head back to my room. It's only 8:00 and the prep team won't be here till 10:00. I put on some comfy clothes and shoes and head out. I decide to go to the training centre to collect some off my things that I left here before the games. I meant to do this months ago but I just kept forgetting.

When I walk in I head straight to my old locker. When I open it I see my old training clothes and my set of knives. These were my favourite and I always trained with these. I close my locker and then I see Cato in the main training hall. He is talking to our old trainer, I have always hated him. He always used to tell me to improve and he never praised what I did.

I quickly walk down the corridor and through the exit doors. Me and Cato haven't been the same since our last conversation on our bench, when he told me I have changed. When I walk through my front door my mother tells me that my prep team are here early. Great I think.

As the prep team are working, Harriet says "people in the Capitol can't stop talking about your wedding!" The wedding, I completely forgot about that. "well me and Cato haven't really made any plans yet" I say.
"Well don't you worry, because the Capitol have!" squeaks Taylor. Oh God, if the Capitol have made my wedding plans, then I guess my wedding dress will be some sort of fairy costume. "and don't worry people are coming here after the victory tour to discuss it with you" says Darius.
"Okay, that's good" I say, trying to sound grateful.

Once they are finished, Indigo and Enobaria burst into my room. "are you ready Clove?" says Indigo. She is wearing a bright yellow wig that is painful to the eyes. "Yeah" I say.
They both lead me down to the front door.
"Remember Clove, smile and be in love!" says Indigo. Then I'm pushed out the doors and I'm on live television.

Cato walks out of his house, and we both hug and try to act happy. We are asked a few questions and then the anthem plays and the cameras are turned off. Indigo tells us that we are leaving in 10 minuets. I says goodbye to my mother and then I remember something. I run up to my room, open my draw and slip on my engagement ring.

Once we are on the train and district 2 is far behind us, Indigo keeps going through the schedule. "first we go to district 12 then we go to every district and then after district 1 we go to the Capitol and then we finish off in district 2" she says.

I walk off to my room and spend most of the night spinning the ring around my finger. I eventually get up and walk around the train, I find a small room filled with office supplies I take a piece of paper and a pen and start writing.

Dear Cato,
I'm sorry that I have shut you out over the past few months. And I need to stop punishing you for something that I did.

P.S. I'm sorry

-Clove x

I slip it under Cato's door and walk away. The next morning I am handed over to the prep team, they put on my make up, do my nails and my hair, and then I'm handed over to Louis.

Since its winter I'm wearing fur leggings and a fur jacket. Indigo is reminding us that we are only 5 minutes away from our first stop.

District 12.

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