Authors note :)

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Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know about what I am planning to do as a thank you to people who vote and comment, at the end of the fan fiction ;)

So when I have finished writing this fan fiction I will be giving dedications and shout outs and official thank you's. This is for the people who have voted for nearly everyone chapter of this story and Clato forever, and for people who comment regularly.

I wanted to do this as a thank you for all the votes and comments because I love it when I get a notification saying I have a vote or comment, I know it sounds stupid but it makes me happy that people like my story.

I already have people who I think deserve a dedication or shout out but I am hoping to add more people to the list :)

Also I know I say this every time but thanks for all the reads on Clato Forever ;)

I am writing a new chapter for this story so I will have it ready soon :)

-Vote-Read-Comment :)

-Aimee xoxo

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