Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The quell

The next morning the sound of someone knocking on my door, wakes me up. I go downstairs and find Cato standing on my doorstep.

"Hey sorry, did I wake you up?" he says.

"Yes you did" I mumble.

"I can tell your hair is a mess!" he says.

"Shut up you!" I say. I let him come

inside and then I make a cup of tea for us both. When the tea is done I sit down next to him.

"Brutus wanted me to tell you that the quarter quell announcement is being made today" he says.

"Oh I heard it was our wedding that was being broadcast" I say.

"Oh yeah that as well" he says.

"What time is it on?" I say.

"In a couple of hours" he says.

"Ok shall we watch it at your house?" I ask.

"Yeah ok" he replies. We finish our tea and then he gives me a long kiss, then I show him out.

I run upstairs and put on clean clothes and then I brush my hair and clean my teeth. I have an hour left until I have to go to Cato's, so I give the house a quick clean. When I'm done I walk across the victors village to Cato's house, his mother answers the door and then she shows me in.

I go into the living room and sit down next to Cato. His mother turns on the television projector and then they show the highlights of our wedding , giving the rings, us kissing and finally us getting into the chariot and leaving. After that President Snow's face flashes on the screen. He introduces himself and then reminds us what happened in the previous quarter quell.

On the 25th year the people in the districts had to chose who would go into the games. On the 50th year the Capitol demanded that twice the number of tributes were to go into the arena. The victor that year is still alive, I think his name is Haymitch, he was Katniss' and Peeta's mentor.

Then a little boy comes up and President Snow take out the card which says 75 on it. He opens the card and reads "as a reminder that even the stronger can not over come the power of the Capitol, this years tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district"

For a second I'm confused, and then I realise that I might be going back into the arena.

The life of a victor: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now