Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Coming home

We start to dance and then he says

"How many tributes are left to kill?!"

"Shut up! your so drunk" I say, pushing him away. I run off back to the cars, it must be nearly time to meet anyway. He chases after me but I am too far ahead. When I make it to where we are supposed to meet, everyone is already there waiting.

"Finally Clove!" says Indigo.

"Where's Cato?" she adds.

"Why should I know!" I snap. I pull open the car door and go in. 5 minutes later Indigo and the prep team come into the car. "I'm sorry for snapping at you a minute ago" I say to Indigo. "It's ok, you are clearly stressed" she says. The rest of the journey is spent looking out the window. When we finally arrive at the station I am relieved.

The prep teams and stylists stay at the Capitol, only me and Cato, Enobaria and Indigo are going on the train home. When the train doors close behind me I realise that I am so happy to leave the Capitol. The train starts to move so I follow Enobaria to her room. When we get to her room I take a seat on her bed. "So what's been going on while I've been in the arena?" she asks.

We spend most of the night talking about the arena and out of the arena, from me apologising to Eleanor to Enobaria's goodbye to Brutus. By the time we have finished it is almost 3am. "Well I better go and get some sleep" I say.

"See you tomorrow" she says.

I walk to my room, I stop outside Cato's door for a moment but I decide to keep walking. The minute I get into the soft bed, my eyes start to close and I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to Indigo banging on my door telling me to get up. I drag myself out of bed and go to take a shower, once I'm clean and my hair is soft and silky, I look for something nice to wear. I pick out a pink silk dress, it is similar to the one I wore on reaping day. I walk down the train to the dining room, everyone is already eating. I take a seat next to Enobaria whist an attendant fills my plate, whist I eat I glance over at Cato, he looks a lot better than he did last night.

After everyone has finished eating Indigo tells us we have 15 minutes until we arrive in district 2. Cato goes to his room and I decide to follow him. When we get to his room I say "What is wrong with you?"

"I was just upset about Brutus" he says. "Well that doesn't mean you can leave me to plan the whole victors banquet, get drunk, leave me on my own during the banquet and dance with a random Capitol girl!" I yell.

"Clove, I am sorry" he says and steps closer to me. "No your not! I am sick of you always saying sorry to me!" I shout and push him away. "I really am sorry please just forgive me" he says. Before I can respond he pulls me closer and silences me with a kiss.

"Now do you forgive me" he says softly. "I'm not sure" I say.

He pulls me in again but this time kisses me longer, when he pulls away he says "How about now?"

"Ok I forgive you" I say. I put my arms around his waist and hug him tightly. I noticed something hanging around his neck. "What's this?" I ask. It is a chain with a sword hanging on it. "Brutus gave it me before he went into the arena, he said it is to protect me" he says.

"Oh where did he get it from" I say.

"His mother gave it him when he first started training for the games" he says.

"Clove! Cato! We are only a few minutes away from district 2" shouts Indigo from outside the door. I grab Cato's hand and we walk to the main train doors. We say our goodbyes to Indigo and Enobaria takes her place in front of us. The train comes to a stop and the district 2 station appears, the platform is full of cameras and people to welcome us home. We step out and make our way through the thick crowd.

We eventually make it to the square where banners and flowers have been used to decorate. We decide to stay for the victors celebration, the celebration drags into the night and me, Cato and Enobaria end up walking back to the victors village at around midnight. "Please stay!" I beg to Cato. "Ok" he says. I open my door and I realise how much I have missed being home.

I have a quick glass of water before I go to bed. During the night I have a nightmare, I am in the arena and Johanna throws an axe towards me, but Cato jumps in front and falls to the ground. Dead. I wake up screaming but Cato is there to comfort me. The next morning I wake up to find Cato gone. I get ready and go downstairs, Cato is preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Authors note:

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next update will be the final 2 chapters and the final authors note! So please be patient because it is going to take a while to write :) also who likes the new cover!! it was made by @casperkitten100 she makes amzing covers :)

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