Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Revenge

I run into my house and lock the door, my mother is calling me from downstairs but I ignore her. I run upstairs into my room, lock the door and then cry until I fall asleep.

As soon as I wake up I look at the clock it's only 5:00 but I doubt I will be able to get back to sleep. My eyes are red and puffy from crying yesterday. I still can't get over what happened, I thought Cato loved me but obviously that was all for the cameras.

I get up and silently make my way to the bathroom. I let the warm shower water wash away my pain, once I get out and I'm dressed. I look at the clock again it's only 6:00, I put on my boots and head out. I feel like I'm back in the arena, when Cato was sleeping with Glimmer on his arm and then I kissed Marvel to get revenge...

That's it I need to get revenge, I need to kiss or flirt with someone Cato doesn't like. My first thought is Danny but I don't want to ruin our friendship by using him. So I decide to find someone else, as I walk into town I spot Jake, one of Cato's enemy's. Last year him and Cato had a argument in school and they have hated each other since.

Jake also recently broke up with Kia so he also might want to get revenge.

"Hi Jake right?" I say walking over to him. "Yeah hi Clove" he says.

"I need your help with something" I say. "Sure what?" he says.

I explain about Cato and Kia and tell him a plan for revenge. "Okay I will do it since Kia has clearly only asked out Cato to make me jealous" he says.

"Meet me at the bench by the training centre" I say. I chose to meet him here because I know it will push Cato over the edge.

I'm about to go and arrange the plan with Cato, when I remember I need to get revenge on Kia as well. I decide to find Cato first he is just coming out of his house at the victors village. "Cato!" I shout whist running over to him, I give him a big hug. "Hey Clove, what do you want?" he says softly.

"Shall we meet up somewhere today?" I say. "Sure, where shall we meet?" he says. "At our bench, in 30 minutes" I say. "Okay see you there" he says.

I run off to find Kia after 10 minutes of searching the main parts of district 2, I spot her leaning against an old ware house talking to a group of girls. I wait until the girls are gone and she is alone. I walk up behind her and grab her neck with both of my hands an slam her against the side of the warehouse. "What the hell do you think your doing stealing my boyfriend!!" I scream at her.

"I don't know what your talking about.." she stutters, she can badly breath. There are no peacekeepers around so I can do what I want. I let go of her neck and let her regain her breathing.

Once she has recovered I slap her hard across the face, she hits the ground hard. "You wait until Cato finds out what you have done" she screams. She is about to walk off but stops and punches me in the face. I fall to the ground and watch her storm off, my hand goes to my nose and it comes away covered in blood. I quickly go and buy some tissues in a nearby stall and head to the bench. It felt good to let my anger out at Kia, If I had my knives on me her injuries would be a lot worse.

I just make it the bench on time where Jake is waiting for me. "Where have you been?!" he says. "no time for questions Cato is coming" I say. We sit down and Cato is just walking towards us when I lean in and kiss Jake.

"CLOVE!" shouts Cato. He is running towards us now, he is about to punch Jake but Kia's voice stops him. "Cato?" says Kia. "What's going on?" says Cato. "Clove attacked me!" says Kia.

"Clove why did you attack her?" says Cato. "Because see stole you from me" I shout, with tears falling down my cheek. "Right Kia and Jake you two go" says Cato calmly. They both walk off together. "And Clove you come with me" he says.

"No-" Cato grabs my wrist and pulls me with him. "Where are we going?" I shout. "Somewhere no one can hear us" he says. We stop at the district fence that is hardly ever charged, Cato goes underneath and out the other side.

"What are you doing if we get caught were dead!" I say.

"We're not going to get caught, come on!" I says. I follow him into the woods and the fence is well behind us.

"Clove I asked Kia to go out with me so you would get mad, I set up that conversation and made sure that you heard me and Kia" he says.

"But why" I say.

"So that you would turn into the vicious and fiery girl that you were before the games" he says.

"So you set this whole thing up knowing that I would go back to how I was before?" I ask.

"Yeah and don't worry me and Kia aren't going out, she is going out with Jake" he says.

"Cato I'm so sorry" I say.

"Don't be I'm the one who should be apologising" he says.

"So are we back together now?" I ask. "Of course" he says. He kisses me gently and walks me back home.

Before I go in he says "I'm shocked at how violent you can be, I watched you fight with Kia" he says.

"I can't believe you watched it!" I say whist laughing. "Goodnight" he says.

"Goodnight" I say back.

When I walk in my mother serves me some dinner and sends me off to bed. After a minute of lying down I fall asleep after an emotional day.

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