Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The districts

If it was up to me I would start with another district, since this was Katniss' and Peeta's home. I'm so glad I have Cato to help me out because if I was on my own I don't know what I would have done.

We pull up in the station and are lead to the justice building. Once we arrive we are greeted by the mayor and a few other important people and then we have 5 minutes to go through final preparations. Enobaria gives me a sheet of paper to read from and once I've gone over it a couple of times I'm ready.

I meet up with Cato behind the huge doors, ready to go out. The mayor introduces us and then the doors open with a loud creak. I grab Cato's hand and walk out, the crowd give us a round of applause. When they go quiet I look at the stand where Katniss' family is, there is a young blonde girl which must be her sister the one she volunteered for, then there is also a older woman and a young man standing there.

Cato starts to speak and before I know it, it's my turn. I step towards the microphone and start to speak. "I am sorry for your losses and I know that if me and Cato hadn't have made it home then Katniss and Peeta would have" I say.

I look down and see that Katniss' sister is crying, then without thinking I run off stage and back into the justice building. "What happened?!" says Brutus.

"Katniss' sister started crying and I couldn't bare it" I say. Cato finishes off the speech and comes inside."here are your flowers" he says.

"Thank you" I say.

"Come on, your dinner awaits!" pipes Indigo. When we enter the dining hall loads of delicious dishes are laid out on the table. I instantly start to fill my plate and only join in the conversation when I'm finishing dessert. "Clove can we talk for a minute?" asked Cato.

"Sure" I say. We ask Indigo if we can go and she says we need to be back in 5 minutes.

Cato leads me up a spiral staircase and into a small room. "what is it?" I ask. "I want us to start over Clove, put everything behind us and start again" he says. "Sure" I say softly. "did you get the note" I say.

"Yea I did" he says.

"Well I didn't get a reply" I say.

"Oh right, I forgot" he says. He gets up and kisses me before he leaves.

I'm relived that me and Cato can be how we were before. At 7:00 we are on the train. I cuddle up next to Cato and sip my hot chocolate. Indigo says we have another early start tomorrow so we should get some rest, no one objects. Cato walks me to my room and kisses me goodnight. After having no sleep yesterday, I fall asleep straight away tonight.

Indigo is banging at my door telling me to get up. The prep team do their usually routine on me and then Louis gives me my outfit. We quickly have some breakfast and then we are pulling up in district 11.

Every day is the same get up, say a speech, eat dinner, train, sleep. This goes on for the next 11 days. When we are in district 1, I look at Glimmer's family who are giving me horrid looks since I killed her. When we are on the train than night, I have a nightmare where Glimmer is torturing me and then she turns into a mutt and is scratching me and biting me. I wake up screaming and Cato runs into my room. He comforts me and cuddles me until I fall back to sleep.

When I wake up its afternoon, Cato not in my room, he probably went back to his room to sleep. No one comes to tell me what to do so I go off to eat. The dining compartment is empty so I eat a little bit of food, I want to work up an appetite for later. Tonight is the victors party in the Capitol at the presidents mansion and there will be so much amazing food.

After I am done my prep team come in and tell me how they were exhausted after a long 2 weeks of waking up early. They get to work, yanking out my body hair, scrubbing me down and making me soak in weird liquids. Taylor puts fake nails on me and Harriet puts loads of makeup on me. After they are done I look at myself in the mirror. A red lipstick has been applied to my lips and my nails are a deep red.

Louis shows me my outfit it a strapless red dress that stops just above the knee and sparkly red 5 inch heels. "It's amazing" I whisper.

"I knew you would like it" he says.

Everyone is already ready to go when we enter the dining compartment.

"Wow you look amazing" says Cato.

"Thanks so do you" I say. Enobaria tells me to prepare for lots of pictures and hand shaking. Enobaria looks amazing in a long golden dress and her hair falls in ringlets down her back.

We pull up in the station, and we follow Indigo to the car. When we arrive at the presidents mansion many people start to congratulate me and talk about my engagement.

When we walk into the dining hall, I am overwhelmed by how much food is laid out. I instantly walk over to a table which has over 20 different cakes on it.

By the end of the night I'm stuffed and I only tried about a fifth of what was laid out. Indigo makes us say goodbye to important people and then takes us to the car. We are on the train at exactly 1:00 and I go straight to bed.


The life of a victor: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now