Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The victors night

"She's won" I whisper. I turn to look at Cato but he doesn't look pleased, I guess he is upset about Brutus. Indigo is nowhere to be seen, I go off and look for her. I walk to her room and find her just leaving her room.

"Hi Clove how are the games going?" she says. "Enobaria won!" I scream excitedly. "Really?! I can believe I missed it" she Exclaims.

"There was a huge fight at the end" I say. "Well then I guess you and Cato should go and plan the victors banquet" she says.

"Oh yeah, of course" I say. I walk down the hall and knock on Cato's door. He doesn't answer so I walk straight in, he is lying on the bed asleep. Great. Now I have to prepare the banquet by myself, I walk back to the elevator.

When I eventually make it down to the betting centre I am shocked at how quiet it is. The only people who remain are the ones who sponsored or placed a bet on Enobaria. The group of men who sponsored her are here and another group of sponsors.

There is also about 100 people who must have bet on her. I walk over to the betting desk and ask about the banquet. She says that all the people here have already been invited along with hundreds of important Capitol people, also that it will be held in two days time.

I go back to the training centre to tell lndigo the details and then I go straight to bed. The next morning when I go down for breakfast I am angry at Cato for leaving me to prepare everything. I have a big breakfast and then go back to my room to get ready. Once I'm ready Indigo bursts into my room and tells me about Enobaria. "She is all healed and no longer ill or starving and she will be ready to get prepped tomorrow" she says.

"That's great" I say. I spend the rest of the day planning the banquet and coming home celebrations. I am on my own again and I'm even more angry at Cato than before. I haven't seen him since Enobaria was crowned victor. The next day I wake up to three familiar faces, my prep team. "Hey Clove!" squeals Harriet.

" what are you doing here?" I ask. "We are here to get your ready for the victors banquet" pipes Taylor.

It is back to the same routine of body hair being pulled out and being shaped until I'm perfect. When Louis arrives to give me my outfit I am exhausted. My dress is black with shiny sequins arranged in a pattern across the dress. I have matching shoes and accessories, I also have my makeup to match. When they have finished, they stand back to admire their work until Indigo comes in and leads everyone out.

The victors banquet is at the presidents mansion, Indigo escorts everyone down to the cars. I'm in a car with Indigo and Enobaria's prep team. When we arrive I get out the car and see Cato and Enobaria getting out of their car. Without hesitation I run over and hug Enobaria "Woah calm down!" she says stumbling back. She still looks shaken but I try not to notice. Cato stands awkwardly behind us, he is pale but he still looks amazing in his black suit.

We all follow Indigo inside the presidents mansion, she reminds us that we need to meet by the cars at one. Enobaria goes off to be interviewed, Indigo goes around talking about how amazing we are and the prep team go over to the amazing banquet of food. I'm left alone with Cato, we stand there awkwardly until Cato turns around and goes into the ball room.

I am left standing on my own, I want to stay strong but instead I run up the wide marble staircase, find a small empty room and burst out crying. I'm not sure how long I do this for but when I'm finished I am empty and as lonely as ever. I'm surprised someone hasn't come looking for me yet, I get up out of the small room and find myself in the long wide hallway of the presidents mansion.

How did I get up here anyway? I walk down the hall until I come across the staircase. I walk down and end up going to the ball room, when I arrive my heart brakes even more. I spot Cato dancing with a Capitol girl, she isn't weird like most Capitol people, she has brown hair, nice clothes and she looks about my age. I walk off unsure where to go, I find myself at the banquet tables and my appetite returns.

I eat an endless amount of cakes, soups and other delicacies, until I'm full. Then I walk over to the alcohol and try a small glass of blue liquid, it burns going down my throat but it feels like a fire inside. I decide not to have anymore alcohol tonight, one glass was enough. When I turn to my side, I find Cato standing there drinking the same stuff. When he finishes he turns to me "Hey Clove want to dance?" he slurs. He's drunk. Great.

I accept his offer and he grabs hold of me and takes me back to the main ball room. He pulls me to the middle of the room and pulls me closer.

The life of a victor: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now