Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: The victor of victors

The next morning I decide to go and find Eleanor because I feel really bad about not really doing anything when Gloss and Cashmere got killed. I make sure I tell Cato where I am going so he doesn't get worried.

I take the short elevator ride down to their floor. When I reach their floor I find that the living room and dining room is empty. They must still be asleep, my stomach rumbles at the smell of food. I didn't have any breakfast and it is so tempting just to stuff as much as I can in my mouth.

But I don't, well I do have something to eat but it is only a slice of toast. Just as I am finishing Eleanor walks in. "Oh hi Clove" she says shakily, her eyes are still red but I pretend not to notice. "Hi...umm...I just wanted to say I didn't know about Gloss and Cashmere being your children and I am really really sorry" I say, I give her a hug.

"Clove it's ok, you didn't know" she says. "Again I'm sorry, and I am also sorry that I ate a slice of toast without asking" I say. She start laughing and then she says "Oh Clove you sound like a small child, sorry this, sorry that, trust me its fine"

"Ok well I better get going" I say walking over to the elevator.

"It was very kind of you to come down here and apologise and comfort me" she says.

"I just felt bad" I say.

"You shouldn't feel bad, bye Clove see you around" she says.

"Bye" I say back.

When I get back to our floor I find Cato sitting on the sofa watching the games. "Hey" I say.

"Oh hey" he says. I walk over and sit down next to him, he pulls me closer so I rest my head on his shoulder. In the arena Brutus and Enobaria are eating a seafood lunch, whist the other alliance is in the jungle. Apart from the other alliance the other person left is Chaff from district 11.

Brutus and Enobaria decide to go and hunt for the others, they are outnumbered 2 against 4 but that doesn't stop them. They eventually make it down to the beach where they spot the other Alliance, they hide behind the bushes and wait. I get up to go and get a drink, not much is happening in the arena. I come back an hour later to watch the games again. After an hour of hiding Brutus and Enobaria take a slow walk back into the jungle.

After a while Enobaria starts to get the feeling that they are being watched, she is right because a moment after she says it the first creature jumps on top of Enobaria. She is screaming and frantically stabs the creature with her knife, eventually Brutus stabs it with his spear. I get a good look at the creature on screen it is a cross between a giant hippo and a lion.

It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. More of them come out to attack but luckily Brutus and Enobaria are able to make it back to the beach before the creatures kill them. Brutus has received a bad deep cut in his arm and Enobaria has got long scratches across her leg.

"Maybe we should send medicine" says Cato. "No, the price for one small pot of medicine will be way to expensive at this point in the games" I say. "Hopefully it will end soon" he says. Back in the arena Brutus and Enobaria spot the other alliance walking into the jungle. "Lets follow them" says Enobaria. They both run after the other alliance, the sky is getting darker indicating that night is approaching.

The other alliance come to a stop and Brutus and Enobaria hide, then suddenly out of nowhere Chaff jumps out and attacks Finnick, whist the rest of their alliance try and attack Chaff, Brutus and Enobaria decide that this is their chance. Enobaria jumps out and throws a knife straight a Maysilee. Brutus then attacks Haymitch, now they have everyone's attention, people try to kill them.

I grab Cato's hand because I need something to hold on to. Johanna swings her axe and it lands straight in Chaff. Boom! Chaff's cannon goes off. Brutus finishes off Finnick by spearing him with his own trident that he somehow managed to grab off Finnick. Boom! Finnick's cannon goes off.

Boom! Everyone turns to find Haymitch on the ground with an axe in his chest and Johanna standing over him. Johanna rips out the axe and looks at Enobaria who is busy trying to kill Maysilee. Then Johanna throws the axe straight at Enobaria, Brutus runs over and jumps straight in front of Enobaria and takes the axe straight in his chest.

I quickly turn away and bury my face in Cato's shirt. I look back to the screen to see the final battle, Enobaria kills Maysilee and then turns to Brutus who says "Goodbye Enobaria"

"Goodbye, thanks for being the best mentor partner ever" she says.

"No problem, just protect Clove and Cato after you win" he says and then the two cannons go off.

Enobaria doesn't hesitate she runs straight over to Johanna and sinks her fangs into Johanna's neck, Johanna falls to the ground and bleeds to death. The cannon signals her death, the trumpets blare and Claudius Templesmith says "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you this years victor of the 75th annual hunger games"

The life of a victor: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now