Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Wedding plans

Indigo is banging on my door telling me to wake up. I look at the clock 5:00, why do I have to get up so early?

"But it's only 5:00am!" I yell.

"Yes I know but you need to be ready!" she yells back. I am just about to get out of bed when my prep team burst through the door. "Clove are you excited for the party in district 2?!"asks Harriet.

"Yep!" I say trying to sound excited.

It's the old prep routine, and once there done and I look in the mirror. I'm shocked when I see how normal I look. My dress is a nice rose colour that stops just above the knee, and I have barely any makeup on.

When I walk down the train outside the doors ready to go out, I say my goodbyes to the stylists, prep team and Indigo since they are going back to the Capitol. Cato comes and stands by me he looks normal too, he is wearing a loose white shirt and black trousers. I grab his hand and Brutus and Enobaria stand behind us.

The doors open and the platform is full of people waving and cheering for us. There is also a lot of cameras around (no surprise there). Once we finally make it to the stage I front of the justice building, I'm given a small remote with button on it. "what's this for?" I ask.

"When you press it you will start the festival" says Enobaria. The mayor introduces us and then I press the button. Instantly loud music plays and there are loads of multicoloured lights shining on the square.

Everybody cheers and makes there way over to the huge banquet of food laid out for then. Everyone in the district is celebrating. I pull Cato off stage and we dance all night, the party continues until midnight. The camera men pack up and go home and everyone in the district go to bed after a fun day.

"That's probably the most fun I've had in ages!" I say. He kisses me goodnight and I go home to bed. When I wake up I hear my mother on the phone to someone, I just ignore it and I go and take a shower. Once I'm washed I put on nice clothes and try to look presentable. There is an amazing smell coming from the kitchen, I go downstairs to try an find out what the amazing smell is.

My mother is in the kitchen making breakfast. "what are we having?" I say.

"I got up early and went to the butchers, I bought some bacon and eggs" she says. After I've finished eating my mother says "someone's coming from the Capitol to organise your wedding today"

"What time?" I say.

"In around 30 minutes" she says.

In half and hour there's a knock on the door, two Capitol people a man and a women come inside. The women introduces herself as Sapphire and the man's name is Jem. We sit down in the study and my mother rushes off to make tea.

"So Clove, we have decided to start planning a venue" says Sapphire.

"Wait where's Cato?" I say.

"Oh he should be here" says Jem. Just then Cato burst through the door.

"Sorry I'm late" he says. He takes a seat next to me. "don't worry we have just started" I say. "so where do you want your wedding district 2 or the Capitol" says Sapphire.

"District 2" me and Cato say together, we both agreed to have it here earlier on.

We spend the rest of the day planning everything and by the time we finish its late evening. "thank you for helping us plan" I say to Sapphire and Jen. Once they leave me and Cato decide to go on a quick walk, once the victors village is behind us I say "why were you late?" I say.

"Oh I was talking to Kia" he says.

"Who's that?" I say.

"She is a friend from school, she came to meet me when we came back from the games" he says. Then I remember she must have been the pretty blonde girl who was hugging him. "Oh okay" I say.

"I've got to go to speak to are old trainer about helping some of the new kids train" I say.

"Okay, I have to get back" he says. I give him a quick hug and head over to the training centre. On they way there Danny comes and joins me "are you married yet?" he says whist laughing.

"Not yet, but soon" I say. "People came and planned it for me"

"I hope I'm invited" he says.

"Yes of course you are" I say.

"Good, I look forward to it, see you later" he says before running off.

When I walk into the training centre, I spot my trainer who is tiding up some supplies. "Your here late?" he says.

"I came to ask you about helping out some of the new kids" I say.

"Well of course you can just turn up whenever you like" he says.

"Thanks" I say. I run back home my mother will be getting worried since it's dark out. I'm about to go inside when I spot Cato with Kia, they at at the entrance of the victors village.

Since its dark and they can't see me I walk over and hide behind a bush and listen to what they are saying. "Clove nearly suspected something earlier when I came in late" says Cato.

"Did you tell her?" says Kia.

"Yes but I said you were a friend from school" he says.

"Well we will have to be extra careful from now on" says Kia.

"And what about the wedding" says Kia. "It will be just for the cameras" he says. "Ok good, I better get going" she says. "Okay bye" Cato gives her a hug before she goes. It takes me a minute to realise what's going on and then it's clear that Cato is cheating on me.

The life of a victor: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now