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"Hey brick" blossom batted her eyelashes

"Yes Blossom?" Brick play along.

"Can I have some of them?" Blossom hugged his arm and make sure that her chest are hugging his arm too.

Brick blushed but didn't give up "until you finish your work, I will" and he kissed her forehead. Blossom irritated and shouted "oh come on! Is it to hard for you to give me just ONE candy!" She whined and tried to grab the bag that full of candies.

Brick pushed her on face but she didn't flew backward, she do the same action till she gave up. "Alright I'll do my work.." She pouted and Brick chuckled, she saw an opening so she jumped to the candies. Brick saw this and manage to block her.

She pouted "I almost got it!" And feign cry hoping Brick would believe. Brick hugged her and whispered to her ear "if you finish your work, I will give the candies and myself" once Blossom heard this, she blushed and cover her face. "A-a-alright..."

Blossom has been defeated.

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