The Long Wait

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She stares at him sadly without him knowing it. She gave a long sighed walked away, what she just saw is he with his girlfriend. They have been a couple for two years.

Her legs brought her to dark hallway which she didn't find creepy. She sat there for a good 2 minutes and tears started to fall.

She cried, cried, and cried made her face swallowed, her eyes are red of those non stop tears. "I...if I confess first then this wouldn't happen right?" She wiped her tears and laughed. The broken heart will never get to fix.

She stood up and left the dark hallway that comforted her. As she walk, she saw him, standing there staring at her. Her cheeks went red and she quickly went inside the class.

The thing is, her crush will be sitting next to her. She fiddle her fingers as she nervous, the school is bored and she doesn't know what to do, she is weak in sports, she more into studies. Her friends are having different classes with her and they only can talk with her in recess time.

Class is starting and she focus on what the teach' teaching. But something bothers her by a paper being fold on her desk. She hold it and look to her right seeing nobody suspicious.

She opened it and gasped a little, she thought 'what in the world...' Writtens on the paper was 'You look beautiful as always' no sign at it. She wonder who gave it, yet it gave her a creep.

She shook her head and put it into her beg then she went back to focus.


The school is finished, she gathered her stuff to leave, in the class was only him and her. She had a duty to clean the blackboard while him have to swipe the floor. She was in a deep thought and not realising what he did. She shivered once something wrapped her, she look down hands, she felt hot breath touched her ears.

"B-Brick? W-what are y-y-you d-doing?" She stuttered, he placed his chin on her shoulder and she can see him pouting. "Ugh. Blossom, what have you done to me? I have a girlfriend sexy,hot but my heart choose you. Did you put a spell or something?" She knew he is smart and he acted dumb to know.

Of course, she is flustered. "N-n-no.. W-what do you m-mean?" She is embarrassed and hope that Brick didn't see it. Brick quickly turned her, and they are close, close enough to hear heartbeats "my sweet cheek, of course you know." Her eyes are swirling, sweats dropping, heart beats fasting, he lean closer and they can feel their breath, "I love you" they are very close Brick still put his charming smirk.

Blossom suddenly stopped breathing and she gently pushed him, "no Brick. You can't be in love with me, I'm nothing and you have a girlfriend." Her action gave them more spaces, "Berserk? She is hot but she is a bitch"
"Brick, language!" I hissed at him but I was surprised, he held both of my hands and I saw in his eyes, sincerity are in there. "Blossom, I realized my love toward you  two year ago. But I recently saw you hanging out with that Dorkster. So I decided faking my relationship with Berserk to make you jealous." The explanation was like slapping my face. Brick was in love with me for the long time?!

My lips crawled to a big smile "You did make me jealous. Wait, does the notes, flowers, gift was from you all along?" I laughed and he joined too, I guess that means yes. "So will you be my partner for the rest of my life?" His words makes me blush, I looked away and nodded slowly "yes..." I mumbled.

"By the way, what happened to that Dorkster"

"He had to move to another school because of his parents. Dexter and I are friends, Brick. Nothing more." I giggled.

"Good news. I don't worry about rivals anymore."

"Seriously Brick?" I facepalmed myself, "what? It's true. No one steals what's mine." His statement made both of us laugh. We packed our things and head home.

I never thought, Brick are in love with me and we are together now.

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