Midnight Visits

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The night seemed darker as she walked through the black streets, her hands were bloody and she was brimming with newly gained power from her kills, though she knew she needed more to take on the God Hunters that had come after her, luckily her disguise seemed to be working so far.

She was even using her vessels house to  hide out in, no one would suspect her. Nyx stiffened slightly, her eyes narrowing as she stopped at her vessels house.

The door was open...

She could smell something strange that was familiar and unfamiliar to her at the same time.

Warily Nyx stepped inside. She used her power to control the shadows, with them she could see all different parts of the house, trying to find the intruders. She suddenly felt them in the living room, not even trying to hide, waiting for her.

Nyx stood taller and thought angrily as she marched into the living room, if they thought they could defeat her so easily they had another thing coming!

The shadows thickened as she walked inside, ready to attack them.

"Woah! We aren't going to fight you! We're not here to attack you!" A young man said, putting his hands up in a silent surrender but something about his tone sounded a little amused.

There was another young man next to him, who just scowled at her, looking irritated over the fact she had almost attacked them.

She recognised him. Well more like the red eyes, there was only one male alpha  in Beacon Hills or so she's heard from her shadows that she had send out to look around the area, though they could be lying to her, the night had done that before.

Though there was something strange at them, she could feel darkness radiating of both of them.

The first one she had seen almost smelt strongly of a Nogitsune but what would a fox and a wolf be doing working together? 

"We came here of our own accord, we wanted to talk to you about something" The young alpha said coldly.

Nyx replied heatedly "And what makes you think I won't kill you both?"

The wolf snorted "As if you could"

"Scotty" The Nogitsune chided playfully "Don't be rude"

Nyx raised her eye brows at him, a more human expression she had learnt from her vessel.

The fox chided the wolf, yet he was the one lounging on her couch like he was the one who had taken this place as his own.

"If you haven't come to attack me then why are you here?" She demanded.

"We have the same goals" Scott said simply.

Nyx gave them both a scornful look "You don't know anything about me"

"We know what you want though, its not hard to guess" The Nogitsune drawled, his eyes flashing silver with anticipation.

"As it so happens we want the same thing, we thought we could come to some... agreement" Scott said.

Nyx looked at them both, she was interested but also... suspicious.

"And what assures me you won't turn on me after we've gotten what we want?" She glared at Scott "Don't think I don't know what you are, what your bite can do to something like me"

The Nogitsune smiled brightly and pulled his legs in, crossing them, he taunted "I guess you're just going to have to trust us then, aren't you?"

"Trust you?" She said dryly.

The fox's grin got broader at that, he turned to the wolf "I like her"

"You would" Scott muttered.

He walked up to her as he said simply "We can help you get rid of your problems, we want the same thing as you. With the god hunters looking for you, you know you can't defeat them by yourself. Their kids yeah but the adults? They're experienced, they're profesional god hunters for a reason"

Nyx hesitated...

The Alpha confidently held out his hand.

"So, are you with us or against us?"

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